An excellent SplashScreen that works for android versions before and after Android 12
First go to android/build/src/com/godot/game and paste there and from the Android/src folder of this project.
Now go to AndroidManifest.xml in android/build/ and delete
from <activity android:name=".GodotApp" -
put thisandroid:theme="@style/Theme.App.Starting"
So:<application android:theme="@style/Theme.App.Starting">
Also included the following tag inside your tag:
<meta-data android:name="org.godotengine.plugin.v1.PluginSplashScreen" android:value="" />
Check the ExampleAndroidManifest.xml in the Android/src folder
Finally copy the xml from the res/values folder of this project and paste it in the res/values folder of android/build/
The SplashScreen image must be placed in the android/build/res/drawable-nodpi folder with the name splash and have a size of 192x192 px
- In the Script_SplashScreen/ folder you will find the scene that will be your main scene, copy it along with its script, to the root of your godot project and define it as run scene.
- Change res://myMainGame.tscn in the function goto_scene(), in the script to the first scene of your game.
- It is necessary to do this so that godot closes the SplashScreen android, when it finishes loading your scene.
- A Godot SplashScreen compatible with Android 12 and later and earlier.
SplashScreen is only closed when the main scene of your game is fully loaded, perfect right, let it star.
- In the build.gradle file, change your compileSdkVersion and include the SplashScreen compat library in dependencies.
build.gradle android { compileSdkVersion 31 ... } dependencies { ... implementation 'androidx.core:core-splashscreen:1.0.0-beta01' }
- More information: