A dirty and simple plugin that logs game events (and commands) through discord webhooks.
# Is the plugin enabled?
is_enabled: true
# Set the delay between log messages [This is the minimum, if this number is lower the plugin will not load to avoid discord ratelimit]
log_queue_delay: 1.2
# Set the webhook username
username: Logs
# Set the webhook avatar url
avatar_url: https://i.imgur.com/SaqRzfU.png
# Set the webhook url for game events logs
game_events_logs_webhook_url: fill me
# Set the webhook url for command logs
command_logs_webhook_url: fill me
# Set the webhook url for pvp events logs
pvp_events_logs_webhook_url: fill me
EXILED 7 must be installed for this to work.
Place the "WHLogs.dll" file in your plugins folder (.config/EXILED/Plugins
Place the "WHLogs.dll" file in your plugins folder (%appdata%/EXILED/Plugins