Program name: Password Manager Author: Shantanu Mishra
Usage: Python program to store and manage the passwords by storing them in and CSV. The program asks the user to add, view, and remove passwords. Passwords are stored in encrypted format in CSV.
1. Python 3.8
2. cryptography.fernet 35.0.0
3. csv
3. pathlib
4. pandas 1.3.3
Install all the dependencies
Run a. On the initialization password.csv and key.key is created if they are not available in the current directory
User will be prompt to select one of view, remove, add or quit to perform the action
a. Add i. User will be asked to provide a user name ii. User will be asked to provide a password iii. Password is encrypted and stored in csv
b. Remove i. User is show the available user names ii. user can enter one of the user name to remove from csv iii. name is remove if its found in csv
c. View Displays list of available user names and their passwords in csv
d. Quit Terminates the program