- Technology Stack: This project is built using .NET 7 and ASP.NET Core in Visual Studio 2022.
- JavaScript: We've incorporated JavaScript for interactivity and the text-to-speech feature.
- ASP.NET Identity: For user authentication and management.
- Entity Framework Core: To handle data access and database operations.
- HTML/CSS: For web page structure and styling.
- Open-Source Libraries: We're using the following open-source libraries and resources: KUTE.JS - animation engine, Web Speech API to incorporate voice data into web app.
- SQLite Database: Our application uses a SQLite database for storage users' data.
Please log in using the admin account for having access to all functions Admin email: admin@example.com Password: 123456#e
It is also possible to log in with a normal user using the testUser email: testUser@example.com with the same password
Choosing Flashcard Category: Upon launching the web page, users can select between language and non-language flashcards.
Language Flashcards: If you choose language flashcards, the text-to-speech feature allows you to hear pronunciations in either Norwegian or English. Simply click on the sound sign to have the text read aloud.
Non-Language Flashcards: For non-language flashcards, you can interact with the content and test your knowledge.
Future Improvements: We plan to expand language support in the future to include more languages and enhance the overall user experience.
Enjoy the interactive learning experience with CFlashcards!