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GStreamer plugin for DRPAI

Video Inference with DRPAI and GStreamer

MistySOM RZV2L contains the DRPAI hardware module which is able to run artificial Neural Networks with the focus on low power consumption. To check if this hardware module is present on your device, you can look for both /dev/drpai0 and /dev/udmabuf0 devices on your Linux shell. The Userland Direct Memory Access (UDMA) kernel module is required to provide the trained AI model and the input image to the DRPAI hardware. After activating the hardware, it will use the trained model to generate the output which can be read by the UDMA module. While DRPAI is running, the running thread will go to sleep. Of course, the sleep time varies based on the size of the AI model.

MistyWest team has prepared this GStreamer plugin which can receive any kind of video input, such as a file (filesrc), a network stream (udpsrc), or a camera device (v4l2src) and outputs a video with bounding boxes on inferred objects using the DRPAI. Later, this video can be linked to any kind of output, such as the display (autovideosink), a network stream (udpsink), or a file (filesink).

GStreamer DRPAI Plugin Chart

The plugin uses the following pad template capabilities for both src and sink which requires you to prepare before the DRPAI element (for example, using a videoconvert element):

    width: 640
    height: 480
    format: BGR

The plugin also provides you with the following parameters:

General Parameters

Name Type Default Description
model String --- (Required) The name of the pre-trained model and the directory prefix.
multithread Boolean true Use a separate thread for object detection.
log-detects Boolean false Print detected objects in standard output.
log-server Host:Port (String) --- Address of logs to send in UDP messages in JSON format to the specified port on a remote host.
show-fps Boolean false Render frame rates of video and DRPAI at the corner of the video.
stop-error Boolean true Stop the gstreamer if kernel modules fail to open.
max-video-rate Float [0.001 - 120] 120 Force maximum video frame rate using thread sleeps.
max-drpai-rate Float [0 - 120] 120 Force maximum DRPAI frame rate using thread sleeps.
smooth-video-rate Float [1 - 1000] 1 Number of last video frame rates to average for a more smooth value.
smooth-drpai-rate Float [1 - 1000] 1 Number of last DRPAI frame rates to average for a more smooth value.
smooth-bbox-rate Float [1 - 1000] 1 Number of last bounding-box updates to average. (requires tracking)

Tracking Parameters (YOLO specific)

Name Type Default Description
tracking Boolean true Track detected objects based on their previous locations.
Each detected object gets an ID that persists across multiple detections
based on other tracking properties.
show-track-id Boolean false Show the track ID on the detection labels.
track-seconds Float [0.001 - 100] 2 Number of seconds to wait for a tracked undetected object to forget it.
track-doa-thresh Float [0.001 - 1000] 2.25 The threshold of Distance Over Areas (DOA) for tracking bounding-boxes.
track-history-length Integer [0 - 1440] 60 Minutes to keep the tracking history.

Filtering Parameters (YOLO specific)

Name Type Default Description
filter-show Boolean false Show a yellow box where the filter is applied.
filter-class String --- A comma-separated list of classes to filter the detection.
Shows all if empty.
filter-left Integer [0 - 639] 0 The left edge of the region of interest to filter the detection.
filter-top Integer [0 - 479] 0 The top edge of the region of interest to filter the detection.
filter-width Integer [1 - 640] 640 The left edge of the region of interest to filter the detection.
filter-height Integer [1 - 480] 480 The left edge of the region of interest to filter the detection.

AI Model

The plugin is implemented in a way that it can run different models. By using the model parameter, you can switch between different DRP-AI translated models that are located in a directory with the same name as the model. For example, when using the parameter model=yolov3, and you are running the command on your home directory /home/user, the plugin loads the TVM compiled model located in /home/user/yolov3.

Model Dynamic Library

Depending on the model you use, even though their input layers are the same, their output layers can be very different and require additional post-processing to interpret the array of floating point numbers to a data structure that is used to render the bounding boxes for each inferred object. Therefore, the plugin uses a shared library that needs to be included with the model and its path is mentioned in the {model}/{model}_process_params.txt file like this:


Yolo Dynamic Model Library (

The plugin already includes a dynamic library that supports yolov2, yolov3, tinyyolov2, and tinyyolov3 models. This dynamic library leverages many similarities between these models and switches its behaviour based on other parameters that are mentioned in {model}/{model}_process_params.txt file such as the [best_class_prediction_algorithm] and [anchor_divide_size].

The library also loads the list of all class labels in {model}/{model}_labels.txt and the list of all box anchors in {model}/{model}_anchors.txt. This means these 3 files need to be manually included alongside the output of the DRPAI TVM translator.

Make your own Dynamic Model Library

If you want to use a model that is not following the output layer format for Yolo models, you can write your own dynamic library which derives and overrides functions of DRPAI_Base class in src/models/drpai_base.h include file.

Additionally, you need to define the function below to allow your library to be dynamically loaded at runtime:

DRPAI_Base* create_DRPAI_instance(const char* prefix) {
    return new YOUR_DRPAI_CLASS(prefix);

How to Build

Configure and build the repository (the sample application and DRPAI plugin) as such:

meson setup builddir
ninja -C builddir

See on how to install the Meson build system and ninja.

Once the plugin is built you can either install system-wide it with sudo ninja -C builddir install (if it wouldn't be picked up by GStreamer, you would need to set the GST_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable to include or point to /usr/lib64/gstreamer-1.0/ for your plugin to be found by a from-package GStreamer).

Alternatively, you will find your plugin binary in builddir/gst-plugins/src/ as or similar (the extension may vary), so you can also set the GST_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable to the builddir/gst-plugins/src/ directory (best to specify an absolute path though).

You can also check if it has been built correctly with:

gst-inspect-1.0 builddir/gst-plugins/src/

Some examples of running the plugin

Read Camera and Show on Screen

gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video0 \
    ! videoconvert \
    ! drpai model=yolov3 show-fps=true log-detects=true smooth-video-rate=30 \
    ! videoconvert \
    ! autovideosink

If your camera supports the BGR format (such as the coral camera), you can modify the camera size in ~/ and skip the first videoconvert element like this:

gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! video/x-raw, width=640, height=480, format=BGR \
    ! drpai model=yolov3 show-fps=true log-detects=true smooth-video-rate=30 \
    ! videoconvert \
    ! autovideosink

Read Camera and Stream on Network

In case you already have the streaming working based on here, you can add the drpai element to the file like this:

[ $1 ] || { echo  "Please specify the destination IP address: ./ ip" >&2; exit 1; }

echo "Streaming to ${1} with DRPAI..."

gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! video/x-raw, width=640, height=480, format=BGR \
    ! drpai model=yolov3 show-fps=true log-detects=true smooth-video-rate=30 \
    ! vspmfilter dmabuf-use=true ! video/x-raw, format=NV12 \
    ! omxh264enc control-rate=2 target-bitrate=10485760 interval_intraframes=14 periodicty-idr=2 \
    ! video/x-h264,profile=\(string\)high,level=\(string\)4.2 \
    ! rtph264pay ! udpsink host=$1 port=51372