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A CLI tool I made to manage and sync ShareSight investment portfolio's with local data analysis work.
- Requires Python3/pip to run (install both)
- Update 'sample.env' to just '.env' and populate with your API key information
python3 -m venv env
to initialise a local envsource env/bin/activate
to activate local dev environment (for installing pip packages)pip install -r requirements.txt
to install dependencies
pip freeze > requirements.txt
to add/manage new dependencies
python cli.py
to run CLI
(env): $ python cli.py list-portfolios
Your Portfolios:
- Strategies (ID: 961635)
(env): $ python cli.py list-holdings 961635
Holdings in the selected portfolio:
- New Hope Corporation (NHC.AX - ID: 19201377)
(env): $ python cli.py delete-portfolio 961635
Output: Portfolio deleted successfully.