Degree Planner is an application made to ease the degree planning of Technion students.
Save/Load your degree plan.
Search/Add courses using offline courses data-base.
Templates for CS faculty from the catalog.
Check pre-requisites/parallel courses on addition.
Keep data-base updated.
Total degree Average.
Per semester Average.
Keep track of various courses types.
(חובה,רשימה א',רשימה ב',ספורט,מל"ג,פרוייקט)
Those are required in order to run the python script without installation:
pip install bs4
pip install requests
pip install PyQt5
pip install html5
pip install lxml
2.Execute installer
2.Unzip to desired destination
3.Execute degreePlanner
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.