Zindi Data Science online Community Challenges
Contributions towards the challenges listed on the Data Scientists web portal at https://zindi.africa/
Technology mostly used(also part of requirements for participating)
- Python
- Jupyter Notebooks
I mostly utilize Python to analyze data using multi-dimensional arrays, manipulating DataFrames in pandas, using SciPy library of mathematical routines and performing machine learning using scikit-learn.
Thank you for following! These notebooks are created as part of participating and honing my skills at - https://zindi.africa/ by [Thato Mmusi](https://www.linkedin.com/in/thato-mmusi-13940b5b
If any part of my writing does not ake any sense or clear, then it means I am not doing it right. Feel free to conatct me at mmusi2010@gmail.com or thatommusi@bonala.biz (use both)