This is a backend application for Masjed project. It is built with Kotlin and Ktor, it also uses Ktorm as ORM. This application is built to be used with Masjed-Jetpack-Compose.
The application was built with:
- Kotlin as programming language
- Ktor as web framework
- Koin as dependency injection framework
- Jackson as data bind serialization/deserialization
- HikariCP as datasource to abstract driver implementation
- Ktorm as strong-typed and flexible SQL DSL and convenient sequence APIs to reduce our duplicated effort on database operations.
+ database/
All database setups. fro MySql.
+ di/
For Dependency injection modules.
+ plugins/
App routing config.
+ server/
Ktor routes and response.
- App.kt <- The main class
The server is configured to start on localhost 8080.