A goroutine pool in go.
With same request count, we provide a 20x-less mem useage than create a goroutine per request.
pool := goroutine_pool.NewPool(
// set goroutine max Capacity.
// if set -1, will create goroutine per request with no limit.
// set whether get a worker need block, default false
// if set true, pool.RunTask() would be blocked while no idle goroutine is in pool.
// close pool`s workers
defer pool.Close()
// run a task with no return value
err := pool.RunTask(func() {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
if err != nil {
// run a task with a return value
retCh, err := pool.RunTaskWithRet(func() interface{} {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
return "retString"
if err == nil {
// read chan would be blocked until the task has been finished by any worker.
// what`s more, the chan has been closed by worker after put return-Value in it.
} else {
// get pool`s close state
isClosed := pool.IsClosed()
// get how many workers are running user-task now.
cnt := pool.RunningCount()