A Docusaurus plugin for Moesif API Analytics built using moesif-browser-js
For full documentation and configuration, see moesif-browser-js docs
The SDK automatically collects useful context from a user's device including any marketing attribution, device type, and location information and stores in the user and/or company profile in Moesif. You can add additional customer properties such as user email and company domain via the identifyUser() and identifyCompany() methods.
The below Diagram shows how both
and a Moesif server integration to track both web and API traffic made by a customer.
npm install --save docusaurus-plugin-moesif
Add plugin to
module.exports = { plugins: ['docusaurus-plugin-moesif'], themeConfig: { moesif: { applicationId: 'Your Moesif Application Id', // Add other Moesif options here. }, }, };
Test it works
Because the plugin is disabled when
is set to development, you'll want to create a production build:npm run build npm run serve
Any of the Moesif browser APIs are accessible via window.moesif
The plugin tracks page views automatically but we also recommend identifying the user like so:
window.moesif.identifyUser("12345", {
email: "john@acmeinc.com",
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
title: "Software Engineer",
salesInfo: {
stage: "Customer",
lifetimeValue: 24000,
accountOwner: "mary@contoso.com",
For full list of configuration options, see this page.