DeHub is a decentralized video sharing & social media platform on Ethereum blockchain.
Dehub is a decentralized version of the Instagram platform where users can browse photos, see details of a specific posts, create a post and earn NFTS, uploads the photo files to IPFS by using and stores those IPFS CIDs to the blockchain network.
And it has a video sharing platform DeTube, it uploads the video files to IPFS by using and stores those IPFS CIDs to the blockchain network.
Make sure you have truffle installed on your computer.
Install dependencies
Compile the smart contracts
Deploy the smart contract
Make sure to add your 12 word Secret Recovery Phrase of your (preferably newly generated and testnet-only) MetaMask wallet in .env with the variable name REACT_APP_MNEMONIC. This will be loaded by truffle at runtime, and the environment variable can then be accessed with process.env.REACT_APP_MNEMONIC.
For development and testing, you have to create your own API token. To do that, login to -> create a new API token -> copy the API token Then start the application...
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
OR, To develop on ganache blockchain, open ganache and import the accounts by adding your ganache private keys in MetaMask.
⚠️ If dealing with “JavaScript heap out of memory” error afternpm start
then use the following command to solve it: For Linux/macOs:export NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=8192"
For Windows:$env:NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=8192"
DeHub application makes use of the following softwares:
Deployed smart contracts on the
Polygon (Matic)
Mumbai test network. -
Truffle & MetaMask
. -
Upload and store files to
IPFS platform. -
Upload and store video files to
IPFS Web3Storage
IPFS platform. -
Built two simple
smart contract, one for minting NFTs, creating posts and operations interacting with the contract and the other for video sharing (DeTube) -
Library to customize smart contract -
Develop, deploy, and run tests the application with
(local blockchain) -
Build and use
React Js
to create components for single-page applications. -
to build faster, beautiful, and more accessible React applications.
You cannot call this project a "Decentralized Application" if you are hosting it on any centralized server. To make it decentralized, again we're going to use IPFS. Create a new repository on GitHub and push all the changes. Sign up on Fleek -> Add new site -> Connect GitHub repo -> select framework (React in our case) -> Deploy Site That's it! you'll get the fleek link of your DApp after deploying the site, you can assign a domain and share your DApp link with anyone in the world.