A self contained (aiohttp) REST service that helps verify uploaded SNP&SEQ archives by first downloading the archive from PDC, and then compare the MD5 sums for all associated files. The downloaded files are deleted on successful verification, and retained if any error occurs.
The service is composed of 3 components which must all be running and the system must be set up to allow the services to communicate over the configured protocols and ports (refer to the redis documentation for details):
- archive-verify-ws REST service
- Redis queue server
- RQ worker
The web service enqueues certain job functions in the RQ/Redis queue, where they get picked up by the separate RQ worker process.
You will need python >=3.9 and redis.
It is recommended to set up the service in a virtual environment. venv is used below with bash on a Linux system.
python3 -m venv --upgrade-deps .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install .
Start the Redis server and RQ worker:
rq worker
Start the REST service
archive-verify-ws -c=config/
If you are running this service locally and don't have IBM's dsmc client installed, you can skip the downloading step and verify an archive that is already on your machine.
To use this method:
copy an archive that has been pre-downloaded from PDC into the verify_root_dir set in app.yaml
Delete or edit some files from the archive if you wish to trigger a validation error.
in app.yml, set:
pdc_client: "MockPdcClient"
Note that the archive will be deleted from verify_root_dir on successful verification
Note that when an archive is downloaded from PDC using snpseq-archive-verify, the downloaded directory is formatted with the name of the archive plus the RQ job id, like so:
When mocking downloading, we search verify_root_dir for archive_name and use the first directory found, ignoring the rq_job_id.
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .[test]
nosetests tests/
Enqueue a verification job of a specific archive:
curl -i -X "POST" -d '{"host": "my-host", "description": "my-descr", "archive": "my_001XBC_archive"}' http://localhost:8989/api/1.0/verify
Enqueue a download job of a specific archive:
curl -i -X "POST" -d '{"host": "my-host", "description": "my-descr", "archive": "my_001XBC_archive"}' http://localhost:8989/api/1.0/download
Check the current status of an enqueued job:
curl -i -X "GET" http://localhost:8989/api/1.0/status/<job-uuid-returned-from-verify-endpoint>
For testing purposes, you can also build a Docker container using the resources in the docker/ folder:
# build and start Docker container
This will build and start a Docker container that runs a nginx proxy server which will listen to connections on ports 9898 and 9899 and forward traffic to the archive-verify service running internally. API calls to port 9898 are done as described above, e.g.:
# interact with archive-verify service on port 9898
API calls to port 9899 emulate how calls to the service running on Uppmax is done (i.e., going through a gateway). The first path element for these calls should be verify/, e.g.:
# interact with archive-verify service on port 9899
The container log output can be followed:
# follow the container log output (Ctrl+C to stop)
In addition, the archive-verify service in the container is running with the MockPdcClient enabled. In the container,
there are two folders that can be used for testing with the mock client, test_1_archive
and test_2_archive
, e.g.:
# enque a download job of the test archive available in the container
curl \
-X "POST" \
-d '{"host": "test_host", "description": "my-descr", "archive": "test_1_archive"}' \
# {
# "status": "pending",
# "job_id": "d7a26f2e-d410-4a9b-a308-973821d0a021",
# "link": "http://localhost:9898/api/1.0/status/d7a26f2e-d410-4a9b-a308-973821d0a021",
# "path": "data/test_host/runfolders/test_1_archive",
# "action": "download"
# }
# check the status of the download job
curl \
# {
# "state": "done",
# "msg": "Job d7a26f2e-d410-4a9b-a308-973821d0a021 has returned with result: Successfully verified archive md5sums."
# }
# enque a verify job of the test archive available in the container, emulating a call to the service on Uppmax
curl \
-X "POST" \
-d '{"host": "test_host", "description": "my-descr", "archive": "test_2_archive"}' \
# {
# "status": "pending",
# "job_id": "0124bdcb-7f31-4402-9251-ae766306ad49",
# "link": "http://localhost:9899/api/1.0/status/0124bdcb-7f31-4402-9251-ae766306ad49",
# "path": "data/test_host/runfolders/test_2_archive",
# "action": "verify"
# }
# check the status of the download job
curl \
# {
# "state": "done",
# "msg": "Job 0124bdcb-7f31-4402-9251-ae766306ad49 has returned with result: Successfully verified archive md5sums."
# }
The docker container can be stopped and removed:
# stop and remove the running docker container