put this to Custtom css editor in discord
/* based on ClearVision_v5 */
/* CLVID means "ClearVisionDamian" this theme is made by Damian https://github.com/Mom-Assistance/ last update at Sun, Aug 13th 2017 to v2.2.1
u can install "CLVID.theme.css" to the themes foulder in BetterDiscord or use "@import url(https://mom-Assistance.github.io/ClVID.theme.css);" to use CLVID */ }
body::after, .tab-bar-item, .callout-backdrop, .user-popout::before, #user-profile-modal .header::before, #pubs-container::before, .auth-background, .auth-tiling-bg, .invite-modal .invite-splash, .radio-theme.light label, .radio-theme.dark label{
background: linear-gradient(to right, #BF1313, #6913BF);
Put "CLVID.theme.css" to "Drive":\Users"user"\appdata\Roaming\BetterDiscord\themes" or use the url imput in custom css editor.