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Create Image and Deploy Containers for PostgreSQL 16 (1 Primary and 1 Replica) with pgvector extension and Manual Failover option for a Weather Application.

Architectural Diagram Depicting Postgres Primary and Replica. The Replica is a Synchronous Standby - 'FIRST 1 (*)'

Image description

1) Build Image:

 * Build
   sudo docker build --no-cache -t weather/x86-64/ubuntu-22.04-postgres-16-pgvector:latest .

2) Edit config files and TLS files in the following path in the repository, as deem necessary:

 - ./primary/cfg/pg_hba.conf         
 - ./primary/tls/ca.pem:/etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem
 - ./primary/tls/psql-cert.pem
 - ./primary/tls/psql-cert.key
 - ./replica/cfg/pg_hba.conf         
 - ./replica/tls/ca.pem:/etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem
 - ./replica/tls/psql-cert.pem
 - ./replica/tls/psql-cert.key

3) Deploy Containers and Destroy with Docker Compose:

 * Deploy containers 
   set PWD=%cd% && sudo docker compose -f docker-compose-psql.yml --project-directory $PWD --project-name "psql-weather-app" up -d
 * Stop and remove containers with related network and volumes
   set PWD=%cd% && sudo docker compose -f docker-compose-psql.yml --project-directory $PWD --project-name "psql-weather-app" down && sudo docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)

4) Stop, Re-Start and Log Services with Docker Compose:

 * Stop services
   set PWD=%cd% && sudo docker compose -f docker-compose-psql.yml --project-directory $PWD --project-name "psql-weather-app" stop
 * Start services
   set PWD=%cd% && sudo docker compose -f docker-compose-psql.yml --project-directory $PWD --project-name "psql-weather-app" start
 * Log: view output from containers
   set PWD=%cd% && sudo docker compose -f docker-compose-psql.yml --project-directory $PWD --project-name "psql-weather-app" logs 

5) Check Replication Status After Deployment

* Primary and Replica PostgreSQL Nodes
sudo docker exec -it psql-node1 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql -c 'SELECT pid, state, client_addr, client_port, replay_lsn, sync_state FROM pg_stat_replication;'"
sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql -c 'SELECT pid, status, receive_start_lsn, written_lsn, latest_end_lsn, latest_end_time, sender_host, sender_port  FROM pg_stat_wal_receiver;'"

6) Confirmation

* Primary and Replica PostgreSQL Nodes
  Primary State: If the value of "state" is  "streaming" and the values of the remaining parameters are displayed, then the primary is okay and replicating.
  Replica Status: If the value of "status" is "streaming" and the values of the remaining parameters are displayed, it implies the replica is also okay and it is receiving replication data.

7) Inspect the Postgres Services and the Container Logs:

 * Primary and Replica PostgreSQL Nodes
   sudo docker exec -it psql-node1 /bin/bash -c  "sudo tail -n 600 -f  /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-16-main.log"
   sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash -c  "sudo tail -n 600 -f  /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-16-main.log"
   sudo docker logs psql-node1 
   sudo docker logs psql-node2

8) Interact with Containers/Connect to Containers:

 * Primary and Replica PostgreSQL Nodes
   sudo docker exec -it psql-node1 /bin/bash
   sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash

9) Connect to PostgreSQL Servers From the Host:

 * Primary and Replica PostgreSQL Nodes
   sudo docker exec -it psql-node1 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql"
   sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql"

10) Check Configuration Information: Run Directly with Bash:

* Postgresql.conf on  the Primary and Replica PostgreSQL Nodes
  sudo docker exec -it psql-node1 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql -c 'TABLE pg_file_settings;'"
  sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql -c 'TABLE pg_file_settings;'"
* Pg_hba.conf on the Primary and Replica PostgreSQL Nodes
  sudo docker exec -it psql-node1 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql -c 'TABLE pg_hba_file_rules;'"
  sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql -c 'TABLE pg_hba_file_rules;'"

11) Test Failover:

* Run the following commands on the Standby/Replica (node 2) and promote into Primary.
 sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash -c 'sudo -u postgres psql -c "SELECT pg_promote(wait := FALSE);"'
 sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql -c \"ALTER SYSTEM SET synchronous_commit TO off;\" "
 sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql -c \"SELECT * FROM pg_create_physical_replication_slot('main_slot');\" "
 sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash -c 'sudo service postgresql restart'
 sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql -c \"ALTER SYSTEM SET synchronous_commit TO on;\" "
* The above 5 statements can also be put into a bash script ( and executed on the docker host directly. See the repository.
* The application(s) can then be switched to point to the NEW Primary (i.e OLD Replica/Standby).

12) Production Failover:

* In production deployment, the database connection logic can be written to ensure that the primary is active before any write or ready operation. 
  E.g Within try-catch-finally statement and in combination with either switch or if-else statement.
* If not active (that is, down), a promotion of the replica/standy to primary can be initiated  with the bash script above ( See the repository.
* After that, application(s) connection string can then be pointed to the NEW Primary (i.e OLD Replica/Standby).

13) Production Rebuild of Standy/Replica:

* After failover, a new Standy/Replica can be rebuilt, on the old primary node or on a another node, with either:
  1) pg_basebackup: or
  2) pg_rewind:
* The steps for rebuilding the new Standy/Replica can also be scripted as a bash script.


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