Create Image and Deploy Containers for PostgreSQL 16 (1 Primary and 1 Replica) with pgvector extension and Manual Failover option for a Weather Application.
Architectural Diagram Depicting Postgres Primary and Replica. The Replica is a Synchronous Standby - 'FIRST 1 (*)'
* Build
sudo docker build --no-cache -t weather/x86-64/ubuntu-22.04-postgres-16-pgvector:latest .
- ./primary/cfg/pg_hba.conf
- ./primary/tls/ca.pem:/etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem
- ./primary/tls/psql-cert.pem
- ./primary/tls/psql-cert.key
- ./replica/cfg/pg_hba.conf
- ./replica/tls/ca.pem:/etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem
- ./replica/tls/psql-cert.pem
- ./replica/tls/psql-cert.key
* Deploy containers
set PWD=%cd% && sudo docker compose -f docker-compose-psql.yml --project-directory $PWD --project-name "psql-weather-app" up -d
* Stop and remove containers with related network and volumes
set PWD=%cd% && sudo docker compose -f docker-compose-psql.yml --project-directory $PWD --project-name "psql-weather-app" down && sudo docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)
* Stop services
set PWD=%cd% && sudo docker compose -f docker-compose-psql.yml --project-directory $PWD --project-name "psql-weather-app" stop
* Start services
set PWD=%cd% && sudo docker compose -f docker-compose-psql.yml --project-directory $PWD --project-name "psql-weather-app" start
* Log: view output from containers
set PWD=%cd% && sudo docker compose -f docker-compose-psql.yml --project-directory $PWD --project-name "psql-weather-app" logs
* Primary and Replica PostgreSQL Nodes
sudo docker exec -it psql-node1 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql -c 'SELECT pid, state, client_addr, client_port, replay_lsn, sync_state FROM pg_stat_replication;'"
sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql -c 'SELECT pid, status, receive_start_lsn, written_lsn, latest_end_lsn, latest_end_time, sender_host, sender_port FROM pg_stat_wal_receiver;'"
* Primary and Replica PostgreSQL Nodes
Primary State: If the value of "state" is "streaming" and the values of the remaining parameters are displayed, then the primary is okay and replicating.
Replica Status: If the value of "status" is "streaming" and the values of the remaining parameters are displayed, it implies the replica is also okay and it is receiving replication data.
* Primary and Replica PostgreSQL Nodes
sudo docker exec -it psql-node1 /bin/bash -c "sudo tail -n 600 -f /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-16-main.log"
sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash -c "sudo tail -n 600 -f /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-16-main.log"
sudo docker logs psql-node1
sudo docker logs psql-node2
* Primary and Replica PostgreSQL Nodes
sudo docker exec -it psql-node1 /bin/bash
sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash
* Primary and Replica PostgreSQL Nodes
sudo docker exec -it psql-node1 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql"
sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql"
* Postgresql.conf on the Primary and Replica PostgreSQL Nodes
sudo docker exec -it psql-node1 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql -c 'TABLE pg_file_settings;'"
sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql -c 'TABLE pg_file_settings;'"
* Pg_hba.conf on the Primary and Replica PostgreSQL Nodes
sudo docker exec -it psql-node1 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql -c 'TABLE pg_hba_file_rules;'"
sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql -c 'TABLE pg_hba_file_rules;'"
* Run the following commands on the Standby/Replica (node 2) and promote into Primary.
sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash -c 'sudo -u postgres psql -c "SELECT pg_promote(wait := FALSE);"'
sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql -c \"ALTER SYSTEM SET synchronous_commit TO off;\" "
sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql -c \"SELECT * FROM pg_create_physical_replication_slot('main_slot');\" "
sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash -c 'sudo service postgresql restart'
sudo docker exec -it psql-node2 /bin/bash -c "sudo -u postgres psql -c \"ALTER SYSTEM SET synchronous_commit TO on;\" "
* The above 5 statements can also be put into a bash script ( and executed on the docker host directly. See the repository.
* The application(s) can then be switched to point to the NEW Primary (i.e OLD Replica/Standby).
* In production deployment, the database connection logic can be written to ensure that the primary is active before any write or ready operation.
E.g Within try-catch-finally statement and in combination with either switch or if-else statement.
* If not active (that is, down), a promotion of the replica/standy to primary can be initiated with the bash script above ( See the repository.
* After that, application(s) connection string can then be pointed to the NEW Primary (i.e OLD Replica/Standby).
* After failover, a new Standy/Replica can be rebuilt, on the old primary node or on a another node, with either:
1) pg_basebackup: or
2) pg_rewind:
* The steps for rebuilding the new Standy/Replica can also be scripted as a bash script.
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