Industrial synthesis of large area graphene by Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (ECR-PECVD) setup requires a uniform crystalline structure of the substrate material to aid in regularity of deposition. In our setup we are using Cu foil as the substrate. Since, using monocrystalline Copper foils would incur a huge cost, it is not an industrially cost-effective method. In this study we are annealing much cheaper polycrystalline Copper foils (80 um) at different temperatures for different time intervals to obtain larger monocrystalline grains. We confirm that optimizing the temperature and time intervals of annealing can lead to satisfactory grain sizes for the aforementioned graphene synthesis process. This study aims at contributing to an affordable industrial process of graphene synthesis by discounting the need for monocrystalline substrates which tend to be expensive.
Our objective is to determine the optimum physical parameters like annealing temperature and annealing time interval to obtain the best recrystallized grain size of the polycrystalline Copper substrate.