barb is a bayesian rate estimation python package for FRBs.
Bayesian Rate-estimation for frBs (BaRB)
Install the rate estimation package.
git clone
cd barb
python install
First, create a json file with your relevant data using auto-json.
python bin/ -N <name of primary author of the paper> -Y <year> -n <nFRBs> -S <sensitivity> -R <radius of the beam> -b <beams> -t <time per beam> -f <flux>
Second, group your json file(s) with the original dataset, located in the surveys directory.
Third, run the program.
bin/ -D <name of the surveys> -c <number of cpus> -r <name of h5 file> -n <name of final plot> -m <maximum number of iterations>
For a more in-depth tutorial and explanation of the package's functions, please see the tutorial jupyter notebook.
- astropy
- numpy
- matplotlib
- tqdm
- emcee
Please cite the following papers if you use barb.
Lawrence et al. (2017)