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KosherCocoa Documentation:

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Sunrise, Sunset: Calculating Sunrise
  3. Zmanim
  4. Zmanim Metadata
  5. Parashat Hashavua
  6. Chagim
  7. Sefira
  8. Daf Yomi
  9. Conclusion

1. Introduction

KosherCocoa is the product of over two years spent porting Eliyahu Hershfeld's wonderful KosherJava library to Objective-C. Much of this time has been spent maturing the library and making it feel like some of the Cocoa APIs. Eliyahu's own work has taken a significant amount of time and effort.

This document attempts to be a complete reference for how to use Objective-C version. Please be mindful of the possibility that people will attempt to use whatever products you may build with this library to enhance their religious observance. If my own experience basing products on various iterations of this code has taught me one thing it is to be careful.

With that in mind, let's get started.

2. Sunrise, Sunset: Calculating Sunrise

Sunrise and sunset are defined by where you are on Earth. For example, sunrise in California is long after sunrise in New York. While we use time zones to handle this when discussing time, we need to pinpoint where our user is in order to show them times that they can relate to. To do so, we use the KCGeoLocation class. The simplest use case is presented here:

KCGeoLocation *location = [KCGeoLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:latitude andLongitude:longitude andTimeZone:timeZone];

Note: When an initializer that doesn't expose altitude is called, the default altitude is 0.

Now that we have a KCGeoLocation instance, we can pass it to the KCAstronomicalCalendar class to get sunrise and sunset times.

KCAstronomicalCalendar *calendar = [[KCAstronomicalCalendar alloc] initWithLocation:location];

Now we've got a calendar, we need to tell it which date we want to calculate for. The KCAstronomicalCalendar class has a workingDate property that defaults to [NSDate date], but you can change it, like so.

[calendar setWorkingDate:[NSDate date]];

Ok, we're ready to go. Let's get sunrise:

NSDate *sunrise = [calendar sunrise];

This is sunrise at whatever the altitude of the geoLocation object has at a 90 degree zenith. That's it. Just four lines of code, three if you don't need to change the date:

KCGeoLocation *location = [KCGeoLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:latitude andLongitude:longitude andTimeZone:timeZone];
KCAstronomicalCalendar *calendar = [[KCAstronomicalCalendar alloc] initWithLocation:location];
NSDate *sunrise = [calendar sunrise];

Sunrise, sunset. That's how it's done.

3. Zmanim

Zmanim are calculated by KCZmanimCalendar and its subclass KCComplexZmanimCalendar. Similar to sunrise, you can pass a location to a KCZmanimCalendar and then ask it for a zman.

KCGeoLocation *location = [KCGeoLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:latitude andLongitude:longitude andTimeZone:timeZone];	
KCZmanimCalendar *calendar = [[KCZmanimCalendar alloc] initWithLocation:geoLocation];
NSDate *zofZmanShma = [calendar sofZmanShmaMogenAvraham];

That's it. There are over 100 different zmanim API. Have a look at the applicable headers.

4. Zmanim Metadata

Zmanim Metadata is provided by the KCZman class. We instantiate a KCZman by passing it a selector for the zman we want information about:

SEL zmanSelector = @selector(sofZmanShmaGra);
KCZman *zmanMetadata = [KCZman zmanForSelector:zmanSelector];

Now we can query the zmanMetadata object for information about the zman. For example, we can ask for the Hebrew name of the zman, like so:

NSString *hebrewName = [zmanMetadata hebrewName];
NSLog(@"%@", hebrewName);
// Prints: (סוף זמן קריאת שמע (גר״א

We can also get information about how the zman is calculated by asking for the Zman's explanation.

NSString *explanation = [zmanMetadata explanation];
NSLog(@"%@", explanation);
// Prints out: The latest zman krias shema (time to recite Shema in the morning). This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after sea level sunrise based on the opinion of the GRA and the Baal Hatanya that the day is calculated from sunrise to sunset.

There are other methods on KCZman to get the English and transliterated names, as well as the string for just the rabbinic opinion. You can check out KCZman.h for the specifics.

5. Parashat Hashavua

There are two classes when working with Parshiot. KCParashatHashavuaCalculator returns a KCParasha object representing the parasha for a given date. For example:

KCParashatHashavuaCalculator *parashaCalculator = [[KCParashatHashavuaCalculator alloc] init];
KCParasha *parasha = [parashaCalculator parashaInDiasporaForDate:[NSDate date]];

Now we have the parasha for the supplied date. Whoo!

Parashat Hashavua follows one scheudule in Israel and different schedule everywhere else. This is because Jews in Israel don't celebrate the an extra day of sukkot or pesach. Depending on the year the parshiot diverge at different points in the calendar. To get the schedule in Israel, simply call parashaInIsraelForDate: instead of parashaInDiasporaForDate:.

KCParasha *parasha = [parashaCalculator parashaInIsraelForDate:[NSDate date]];

Now that we have a KCParasha, we can use the name method to get the Hebrew name of parasha. We can also call transliteratedName to get the same Hebrew name spelled out in English.

NSString *hebrewName = [parasha name];
NSString *transliteratedName = [parasha nameTransliterated];

6. Chagim

To calculate the holidays, use KCJewishCalendar. Using the value of the workingDate property inherited from its superclass, KCJewishCalendar can determing if the supplied date is a holiday.

Here's an example using KCJewishCalendar:

KCJewishCalendar *calendar = [[KCJewishCalendar alloc] init];

BOOL isPesach = [calendar isPesach];	// check for passover
BOOL isHoliday = [calendar isYomTov];	// etc...

As alluded to in the Parashat Hashavua documentation, the holidays are observed for fewer days in Israel. If you want to check for holidays in Israel, change the inIsrael property to YES.

[calendar setInIsrael:YES]; // default is NO

You can also choose to respect or ignore the various holidays involving the modern state of Israel, such as Yom Ha'atzmaut:

[calendar setReturnsModernHolidays:YES] // default is NO, YES will enable the modern holidays

7. Sefira

Calculating Sefira is super easy with KCSefiratHaomerCalculator. It's a one liner:

NSInteger dayOfSefira = [KCSefiratHaomerCalculator dayOfSefiraForDate:someDate];

The public methods of this class all have two flavors: ones that accept a date argument and ones that dont. The ones that don't take an argument will default to [NSDate date], like so:

NSInteger dayOfSefira = [KCSefiratHaomerCalculator dayOfSefira];

Both of these methods will return 0 if it's not during the sefira count, otherwise, will return an NSInteger representing tonights count.

It's important to note that this class does not adjust for the Jewish day beginning at sundown the night before. Test your code before deployment.

There is also a pair of methods that will tell you if a date falls during the omer count without telling you the day. Here's how that works:

BOOL todayIsSefira = [KCSefiratHaomerCalculator fallsToday];
BOOL someDayIsSefira = [KCSefiratHaomerCalculator fallsOnDate:someDate];

To get a string from the count, you use KCSefiraFormatter. First, get the day with KCSefiratHaomerCalculator, as we did above:

NSInteger dayOfSefira = [KCSefiratHaomerCalculator dayOfSefira];

Then, you initialize the sefira formatter, and configure it with a custom and a language:

KCSefiraFormatter *sefiraFormatter = [[KCSefiraFormatter alloc] init];
sefiraFormatter.custom = KCSefiraCustomAshkenaz;
sefiraFormatter.language = KCSefiraLanguageHebrew;

The custom property supports Ashkenaz, Sefard, and Sephardic customs as defined in the KCSefiraCustom enumerated type in KCSefiraFormatter.h.

The language property supports Hebrew, English, and Transliterated Hebrew, as defined in the KCSefiraLanguage enumerated type in KCSefiraFormatter.h.

Now that we have a formatter set up, we have two options for getting the count. We can get just the count itself, like so:

NSString *string = [sefiraFormatter countStringFromInteger:dayOfSefira];

Or, we can get a block of text which contains the count as well as medidations and prayers said before and after it, like so:

KCSefiraPrayerAddition prayers = KCSefiraPrayerAdditionBeracha | KCSefiraPrayerAdditionHarachaman;
NSString *string = [sefiraFormatter countStringFromInteger:dayOfSefira withPrayers:prayers];

This will return a string containing the blessing before the count, the count itself, and the harachaman right after it. Like the other related types, KCSefiraPrayerAddition is defined in KCSefiraFormatter.h

As of this writing, there are a few limitations to the KCSefiraFormatter class. Transliterated Hebrew isn't implemented at all. Before version 3.5.0, blessings are not supported when the language is set to English. In that case, you'll get just the count itself: "Today is the first day which is...".

8. Daf Yomi

The Daf Yomi calculation classes work similarly to the Parasha calculation classes. You create a KCDafYomiCalculator, optionally assign a workingDate, and then ask it for a KCDaf for a given date.

KCDafYomiCalculator *calculator = [[KCDafYomiCalculator alloc] init];

KCDaf *daf = [calculator dafYomiBavli];
//	or, if we want to get a specific date
daf = [calculator dafYomiBavliForDate:someDate];

To get the name of the daf, call the name method or the transliteratedName method:

NSString *hebrewName = [daf name];
NSString *transliteratedName = [daf nameTransliterated];

9. Conclusion

While there are couple of missing parts, this library is a mature piece of code. I've used bits and pieces of it in various apps for several years with close to no problems.

Remember to provide your users with an adequate way to configuare a way for you to obtain their location. The primary cause of complaints in three years was nearly always a user who didn't know how to tell my apps where they were.

If you've got any enhancements to offer, bugs to fix, or general contributions, feel free to contact me with a pull request or an email.

Moshe Berman, April 2014.