A shiny App for quality checking Pydpiper registrations.
devtools::install_github("Mouse-Imaging-Centre/pydpiperQC", upgrade_dependencies = FALSE)
This downloads 450MB of example data and uses it to showcase the application.
To launch the application,
pydpiperQC::launch(annotation = "path/to/annotation.csv", consensus = "path/to/consensus.mnc")
and then use the upload widgets at the top left to upload your annotation and consensus files.
- On the left, adjust the intensity range of the consensus according to the intensity histogram.
- On the left, adjust the slice range of the consensus according to the slice indicator.
- On the right, adjust the intensity range of the comparate according to the intensity histogram.
- On the left, slide the contour value around and visually verify them, or tick the alpha radio button and slide the alpha value around to verify a smooth transition between the consensus and comparate files.
- Give the comparate a rating by hitting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
- Hit s to move on to the next comparate and continue.
- At any time, scroll down to see what work you have already done.
- On the top left, download your annotations as a csv file.
w/s to toggle previous/next image
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to enter a rating