Movies MV , search for any movie and show by name and add it to your like list. See all the details about the movies and it's realse time. Comment and interact with other users.
GitHub, GitHub Flow, Visual Studio Code, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Webpack
Welcome to Awesome Books! We introduce new search methodology applied with javascript and dynamic html. New work dynamic creating and merging secondary branches for a single pull request.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
1- Download the zip file or clone it via git
2- Navigate to the location of the folder in your machine:
you@your-Pc-name:~$ cd <folder>
3- after you get the project to your local machine open the index.html file or simply run the live server
4- install the node packages via npm install
4- to Check for linters run (npx hint .) for html code fixed and npx stylelint "*/.{css,scss}"
Run the following commands to clone and run it.
git clone
cd moviesC2
npm install
npm start
code .
Linkedin: Angel Uray
Linkedin: Abdelrhman samy
Contributions, issues, and reviews are very welcome!
Please rate this project.
Microverse Community GitHub Repositories Awesome Books template Inspiration
This project is MIT licensed.