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MrKinau edited this page Nov 19, 2022 · 10 revisions

All config properties explained

The config will generate after the first start of the bot in the directory where it is launched (or specified by Command-Line-Option). It is a JSON-Config named config.json. Format: <key> - <possible values> - explanation

  • announces
    • announce-lvl-up - true / false - Enables or disables the announcement of new levels
    • announce-lvl-up-text - <text> - Text of the level-announcement in chat. %lvl% will be replaced with the gained level.
    • announce-type-console - "ALL" / "ALL_BUT_FISH" / "ONLY_ENCHANTED" / "ONLY_BOOKS" / "NONE" - Set the loot-announce-type in the console
    • announce-type-chat - "ALL" / "ALL_BUT_FISH" / "ONLY_ENCHANTED" / "ONLY_BOOKS" / "NONE" - Set the loot-announce-type in the chat
    • discord
      • web-hook - <A discord webhook> - Use this to send all chat messages from the bot to a Discord-WebHook (How to setup a WebHook)
      • enabled - true / false - Enables or disables the Discord-WebHook
      • announce-type-discord - "ALL" / "ALL_BUT_FISH" / "ONLY_ENCHANTED" / "ONLY_BOOKS" / "NONE" - Set the loot-announce-type in the discord channel
      • alert-on-level-update - true / false - Sends a message to your discord channel if the bot changes its level
      • alert-on-respawn - true / false - Sends a message to your discord channel if the bot respawns
      • alert-on-attack - true / false - Sends a message to your discord channel if the gets attack (including it's current life)
      • ping-on-enchantment
        • enabled - true / false - Sends a message to your discord channel if certain filters are set (You can also specify to get mentioned)
        • mention - <@USER_ID> - Sets the User-ID (or role, channel ...) which should get mentioned (see here and here, you have to keep the "<>")
        • items - <List of item names> - List of items the mention should filter at (e.g. setting it to enchanted_book will send mentions only on enchanted books (and if the enchantments criteria matches)). The item names are the same as announced while fishing (may differentiate depending on used mc-version)
        • enchantments - <List of enchantments> - List of enchantments the mention should filter at (e.g. setting it to MENDING and UNBREAKING will send mentions only on items with unbreaking or mending (and if the items criteria matches)). The enchantments are listed here.
  • server
    • default-protocol - <all versions listed in README> - Set the version the bot should use to connect (only necessary if automatic-version-detection does not work, i.e. BungeeCord or ping not working)
    • port - <any number> - The port of the server the bot should connect to. Default: 25565
    • ip - <any IP or domain> - The IP or Domain of the server the bot should connect to
    • realm-accept-tos - true / false - Accept the Realms ToS
    • online-mode - true / false - Use authentication or skip this process (act as cracked account)
    • realm-id - <any number> - The ID of the realm to connect to. This is filled in by the GUI automatically, if you do not use the GUI use realm-id 0 for listing all realms in the console to get your realm id and -1 to disable realm mode and use server.ip/port to connect
    • spoof-forge - true / false - Tries to spoof forge (WIP, do not use unless you can only connect with forge)
  • auto
    • auto-disconnect-players-threshold - <any number> - If this amount of players is reached and auto-disconnect is activated the bot can't connect or will be kicked
    • auto-reconnect - true / false - Auto-Reconnect if bot get kicked, time out, ...
    • auto-disconnect - true / false - The bot automatically disconnects (and can't connect) unless a defined amount of players is reached
    • auto-reconnect-time - <any number> - The time (in seconds) the bot waits after kick to reconnect (only usable if auto-reconnect is set to true)
    • auto-sneak - true / false - Whether or not the bot should sneak
    • auto-command-on-respawn
      • delay - <any number> - the delay between respawn and command execution (in ms)
      • enabled - true / false - Enables an automatic command or text execution on respawn
      • commands - <List of Text> - All commands or texts which should be executed after respawning
    • auto-command-before-death
      • enabled - true / false - Enables an automatic command or text execution before dying
      • min-health-before-death - <any number> - specifies which health state should be interpreted as "before-dying" (e.g. 6 = 3 hearts)
      • commands - <List of Text> - All commands or texts which should be executed before dying
    • auto-quit-before-death
      • enabled - true / false - The bot automatically disconnects if the health threshold is reached
      • min-health-before-quit - <any number> - The health threshold (see min-health-before-death)
    • auto-eject
      • rules - <List of Ejectionrules> - An ejection rule is defined with the attributes: name, ejectionType, direction and allowList. You can use the GUI to create them or expand the templates generated on first startup
      • enabled - true / false - Enables the specified ejection rules
  • start-text
    • text - <List of Text> - Chat messages/commands which should be send at startup
    • enabled - true / false - Enables or disables the start-text
  • logs
    • log-count - <any number> - The number of logs the bot is allowed to generate
    • log-packets - true / false - Enables or disables the packet-log. Only useful for debugging protocol
  • account
    • mail - <text> - The offline mode username of the minecraft account
  • misc
    • look-speed - <any number> - The speed the bot looks at default (e.g. dropping items). Speed is calculated as: How many steps should be done in one tick (50ms)
    • prevent-rod-breaking - true / false - If enabled the bot does not use fishing rods with 1 durability
    • stucking-fix-enabled - true / false - Enables or disables the automatic stucking fix (If the bot does not fish anything in while it recasts the rod)
    • language - <ALL AVAILABLE LANGUAGES> - Sets the bots GUI and console output language
    • gui-console-max-lines - <any number> - The maximum of console lines displayed in the GUI
    • disable-rod-checking - true / false - should be only enabled if the bot does not detect the fishing rod in it's inventory
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