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MrKinau edited this page Sep 7, 2020 · 10 revisions

All config properties explained

Format: <key> - <possible values> - explanation

  • announces
    • announce-lvl-up - true / false - Enables or disablse the announcement of new levels
    • announce-lvl-up-text - <text> - Text of the level-announcement in chat. %lvl% will be replaced with the gained level.
    • announce-type-console - "ALL" / "ALL_BUT_FISH" / "ONLY_ENCHANTED" / "ONLY_BOOKS" / "NONE" - Set the loot-announce-type in the console
    • announce-type-chat - "ALL" / "ALL_BUT_FISH" / "ONLY_ENCHANTED" / "ONLY_BOOKS" / "NONE" - Set the loot-announce-type in the chat
  • server
    • default-protocol - <all versions listed in README> - Set the version the bot should use to connect (only necessary if automatic-version-detection does not work, i.e. BungeeCord or ping not working)
    • port - <any number> - The port of the server the bot should connect to. Default: 25565
    • ip - <any IP or domain> - The IP or Domain of the server the bot should connect to
    • realm-accept-tos - true / false - Accept the Realms ToS
    • online-mode - true / false - Use authentication or skip this process (act as cracked account)
    • realm-id - <any number> - The ID of the realm to connect to. For realm connection read: How do I connect to Realms
  • auto
    • auto-disconnect-players-threshold - <any number> - If this amount of players is reached and auto-disconnect is activated the bot can't connect or will be kicked
    • auto-reconnect - true / false - Auto-Reconnect if bot get kicked, time out, ...
    • auto-disconnect - true / false - The bot automatically disconnects (and can't connect) unless a defined amount of players is reached
    • auto-reconnect-time - <any number> - The time (in seconds) the bot waits after kick to reconnect (only usable if auto-reconnect is set to true)
  • discord
    • discord-web-hook - <A discord webhook> - Use this to send all chat messages from the bot to a Discord-WebHook (How to setup a WebHook)
    • enabled - true / false - Enables or disables the Discord-WebHook
  • start-text
    • text - <text> - Chat messages/commands separated with a semicolon which should be send at startup
    • enabled - true / false - Enables or disables the start-text
  • logs
    • log-count - <any number> - The number of logs the bot is allowed to generate
    • log-packets - true / false - Enables or disables the packet-log. Only useful for debugging protocol
  • account
    • password - <text> - The password of the account (ignored in offline-mode)
    • mail - <text> - The e-mail-address of the minecraft account. For non-transferred-accounts the username could be used
  • misc
    • stucking-fix-enabled - true / false - Enables or disables the automatic stucking fix (If the bot does not fish anything in while it recasts the rod)
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