A small school project where a Bavard is connected to a bunch of other Bavards through one or more mediators(Concierge) who send the message between those who are connected to him.
A small group project from the oriented object programming class. The group is composed of Antonin Rosa-Martin and Theo HENAFF
This project is a kind of an instant messaging app but with only one computer (the idea was to work on event listener and GUI not networking)
Someone who talk to others is called a 'Bavard'. To do so it connect to a list of mediators called 'Concierge' and when the bavard send a message to a mediator, every Bavard connected to it will receive it.
There is a creation/login GUI with MD5 password encrytion for both Bavards, Concierges and an Admin GUI to manage all.
- Launch EPapotage.jar
- From the 'Administrator GUI' create some Bavards and Concierges and log in.
- In order to connect a Barvard and a Concierge, go to one of the Bavard GUI and check every Concierge you want to be connected to.
- Now you just have to send messages trough Bavard's GUI !
Antonin and Theo