Built on enphase2 app. Put all data in one table all date-time to datetime renamed columns to fit that scheme. Might want to change those, usual problem of succinct but descriptive
➜ rails new solar_enphase_edison -j esbuild -a propshaft --css bootstrap --database postgresql --skip-action-mailer --skip-action-mailbox --skip-action-cable Rails 7.1.2 ruby 3.3.0 (2023-12-25 revision 5124f9ac75) [arm64-darwin23] v18.19.0 1.22.19 Bundler version 2.5.4 psql (PostgreSQL) 16.1
config/application.rb config.time_zone = "Pacific Time (US & Canada)" SQL timezone is
Changed db from solar_enphase_edison to energy ➜ bin/rails db:create
rails generate scaffold energy datetime:timestamptz enphase:float from_sce:float to_sce:float
create_table :energies, id: false do |t| t.timestamptz :datetime, null: false, primary_key: true t.float :enphase t.float :from_sce t.float :to_sce
rails new hadn't finished. A change to bin/dev. I created a new app to make sure I had the file right ➜ rdm ➜ gem install timescaledb # this doesn't get in the app, maybe bundle install timescaledb would gem 'timescaledb' bundle
Pagy: many bits
gem "solargraph" # For my installation, not for app
https://www.mattmorgante.com/technology/csv and https://gorails.com/episodes/intro-to-importing-from-csv ~2015
Both Enphase and Edison are in 15 minute increments (which is handy, one less difference). Formatting is different (double quotes around info, times shown differently although both local (not UTC))
SCE data is local time (can tell by Received which is what SCE receives from us and the times line up with production) SCE has a one hour time period, i.e., start and stop, energy delivered and energy received in kWh Format of csv. First line which is midnight and SCE is delivering to Delicias Energy Delivered time period,Usage Delivered(Real energy in kilowatt-hours)(Real energy in kilowatt-hours),Reading quality "2023-12-01 00:00:00 to 2023-12-01 00:15:00","0.070",""
Enphase Date/Time,Energy Produced (Wh) 2023-11-01 00:00:00 -0700,0 Local time, but offset shown. I.e., this is midnight but showing TZ
Can import SCE with initial headers deleted, double quotes deleted and empty lines removed.
➜ yarn add chartkick # is this needed. Charts getting "Loading…" Needed to add import "chartkick/chart.js"; to app/javascript/application.js. Now graphs working.
Can import Enphase (without mod I think) and Edison with minimal mod.
All rows aren't showing. The data is in the database. Maybe an issue with Pagy. TODO if don't make tables with Timescale
https://github.com/timescale/timescaledb Using TimescaleDB CREATE EXTENSION timescaledb; # success and already have gem "timescaledb" -- Then we convert it into a hypertable that is partitioned by time (may have to empty table to do this)
SELECT create_hypertable('conditions', by_range('time'), migrate_data = true); -- last to use existing data, syntax ?? SELECT create_hypertable('energies', by_range('datetime'), migrate_data = true); -- SELECT create_hypertable('energies', 'datetime'); -- (1,public,energies,t) after Truncating table energies Reimported data (did Enphase first and Edison second as test of doing it in that order. Quick check it worked) BUT display order in app is weird. Not in descending order and that gaps in data. Wait for timescale though to see what's going on
from the github page ➜ tsdb "postgres://gscar@localhost:5432/energy_development" --stats ## got an error about pry
Used (or consumed) = enphase + from_sce - to_sce. All are expressed as positive in the original data. Order is what I'm standardizing on at the moment Local time Produced From Sent to Used 12 Oct 2023 8:15 am 0 30 50 -20, but enphase didn't report any production until 8:30 and it was 8 Wh (0.030, 0.050 from SCE original)
From Create continuous aggregates https://docs.timescale.com/tutorials/latest/energy-data/dataset-energy/ From tutorial
Materialized Views. Usually used for speeding up pages, but for me it's about having easily identifiable tables
Updating: SELECT add_continuous_aggregate_policy('wh_day_by_day', start_offset => NULL, end_offset => INTERVAL '1 hour', schedule_interval => INTERVAL '1 hour');
Let's try for all variables. Could used be added? Calculations are done. What is the timezone doing here. CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW wh_day_by_day_all(time, enphase, from_sce, to_sce) with (timescaledb.continuous) as SELECT time_bucket('1 day', datetime, 'America/Los_Angeles') AS "datetime", last(enphase, datetime) - first(enphase, datetime) AS enphase, last(from_sce, datetime) - first(from_sce, datetime) AS from_sce, last(to_sce, datetime) - first(to_sce, datetime) AS to_sce FROM energies GROUP BY 1; -- Only from_sce is populated, the rest are null and
-- Then we convert it into a hypertable that is partitioned by time SELECT create_hypertable('conditions', 'time');
SELECT add_continuous_aggregate_policy('wh_day_by_day_all', start_offset => NULL, end_offset => INTERVAL '1 hour', schedule_interval => INTERVAL '1 hour');
Only getting data for from_sce. Do I have a column naming error? I don't think so
SWAG to show table ➜ rails generate model wh_day_by_day_all # created a table wh_day_by_day_alls with (from memory since I rolled it back) datetime enphase, from_sce, and to_see with only the from_sce having any values. I think it picked up from the materialized view since the migration only had t.timestamp. But added a line to model rails g controller wh_day_by_day_all index show
Added lots of pieces to try to get wh_day_by_day_all table to show--put in a stash
Why creating a materialized view for hypertable? What's the connection? Obviously they are similar in intent.
Tutorial goes into Grafana which seems to be used to track problems and performance. Do I need this? And it isn't available for pg16
CREATE EXTENSION timescaledb_toolkit; ERROR: could not access file "MODULE_PATHNAME": No such file or directory # See below, got this working
So I started over using https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73248119/how-do-you-install-timescaledb-on-mac-os-m1-apple-silicone-if-you-have-the-pos which I saved in Notes.app and at the bottom of this page.
Now success: energy_development=# CREATE EXTENSION timescaledb_toolkit; CREATE EXTENSION
Tried a query from tutorial and got some result. So Timescale pieces are probably working, just the data and queries need help https://docs.timescale.com/tutorials/latest/energy-data/query-energy/#what-is-the-energy-consumption-by-the-day-of-the-week
Try https://docs.timescale.com/tutorials/latest/energy-data/query-energy/#what-is-the-energy-consumption-on-a-monthly-basis to see if can sort out why not gettng the right result for per day (day of the week)
SQL-queries/per_month_all.sql runs in PGAdmin but results don't make much sense, i.e., not accurate. Ah, the base data is wrong in wh_day_by_day_all. Not being updated or was created incorrectly.
Materialized view is created, then converted to hypertable. I think. Yes To create a hypertable, you need to create a standard PostgreSQL table, and then convert it into a hypertable.
Hypertables are intended for time-series data, so your table needs a column that holds time values.
https://docs.timescale.com/quick-start/latest/ruby/#create-scopes-to-reuse Energy.per_day.all in rails console with model change, but doen't work
Energy.order("datetime").last # this works and doesn't rely on definitions in model, All fields shown
Energy.monthly_summary outputs in Nova/rc. Note that the output is not quite right yet. Doesn't work in iTerm result = Energy.monthly_summary returns an object
Energy.monthly_summary.limit(10).offset(5) works in rc, but adding limit offset to monthly_summary does not, nor does used show up. At present 14 results show up in PGAdmin, so this command shows all the last ones
Finally got a migration to create day_by_day and it resulted in a Materialized View rather than a View. ChatGPT and persistence to the rescue
Setting up model for each mat view: https://medium.com/@rebo_dood/the-benefits-of-materialized-views-and-how-to-use-them-in-your-ruby-on-rails-project-4ac1b5432881
gem "scenic" seems like may solve some problems for me. https://github.com/scenic-views/scenic and https://raghu-bhupatiraju.dev/implementing-materialized-views-in-rails-ffea22bd5d9c
Got the three views sorted out. Requires a model for each, but much can be reused. Also the energy_controller knows about each one
Hourly for a day working. Had to give up (at least for now) on _energy.html.erb for all three as datetime format needs to be different. Tab not highlighting.
Bootstrap installed via --css bootstrap. Guess that's all the needed (many online tutorials etc make it harder)
app/javascript/application.js import * as bootstrap from "bootstrap";
ChatGPT You can use a separate datepicker library like flatpickr or datepicker. flatpickr assume JavaScript installation of old. simple_form instructions seem more up to date.
https://github.com/heartcombo/simple_form?tab=readme-ov-file#installation if go with simple_form
gem "simple_form" ➜ rails generate simple_form:install --bootstrap Not sure I'm still using simple_form
If the approach I'm taking is right it makes sense to put the graph in a turbo ChatGPT came up with a turbo solution. Doesn't seem like it's following the standard way, but it works.
Turbo Streams introduces a element with seven basic actions: append, prepend, replace, update, remove, before, and after.
Simple Bootstrap navbar. Tried Tailwind. Was trying for navbar that would highlight current page. Seems to require crafted jS. Should be a Hotwire way?
2024.02.01 Materialized Views not auto updating or do I need to wait an hour? Or could I change to just Views. I don't think I need the performance benefit of a Materialized View Try creating view_hours using Mat View as sample What Are PostgreSQL Views? Why Should I Use Them? https://www.timescale.com/blog/how-postgresql-views-and-materialized-views-work-and-how-they-influenced-timescaledb-continuous-aggregates/ rgm CreateViewHours rdm: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /Users/gscar/Documents/Delicias/Utilities, Energy and Solar/Solar Panels 2023-ABC/Solar production, etc/solar_enphase_edison/db/views/view_hours_v01.sql > created and copied from hour_by_hours_v01.sql Change HourByHours to ViewHours Created model and controller and other changes. See commit
Now do same for daily and see if table updates when import Enphase data. I had imported Jan data for SCE, but not enphase so can't tell about updating. And monthly
Now only plain Views and not Materialized Views (Don't have to worry about updating. Materialized Views are for large DBs)
Importing working.
https://github.com/JackC/tod Time of Day gem for overlay plots?
Push to github. Set up on the site and follow this? git remote add origin https://github.com/MtnBiker/enphase-edison.git git push -u origin main Worked. Note app name is different than my local name.
Added select dates for overlay hourly
Removed SQL-queries from GitHub. Had added to .gitignore, but had already committed them
Arrow day by day next to select a day
15 minute intervals for daily
Overlays: _hourly_day_vs_day.html.erb. Move logic off page. Detect end of day instead of hardwiring.
Record of data loading/importing-create table and at line at top
Graphs of totals per day: For selectable time periods. Jan 5 to jan 25 e.g. Some present such as last year. Last month. Last 12 months And select received Del used etc
Table sorting (now ascending by datetime). Pagy
Get rid of manual changes for importing
Format of change dates for overlay chart needs help
The following two aren't being used, but aren't adding much. Just want to make sure not being used Remove Tailwind gem Remove simple_forms gem
/usr/bin/install -c -m 755 $(find /opt/homebrew/Cellar/timescaledb/2.13.1/lib/timescaledb/postgresql/ -name "timescaledb*.so") /Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/16/lib/postgresql
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 /opt/homebrew/Cellar/timescaledb/2.7.2/share/timescaledb/* /Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/14/share/postgresql/extension/
➜ timescaledb-tune --yes --conf-path="/Users/gscar/Library/Application Support/Postgres/var-16/postgresql.conf" Using postgresql.conf at this path: /Users/gscar/Library/Application Support/Postgres/var-16/postgresql.conf
Writing backup to: /var/folders/dy/9px5kt5d2xn8wpnx1lh9gfwc0000gn/T/timescaledb_tune.backup202401140926
success: shared_preload_libraries is set correctly
Recommendations based on 32.00 GB of available memory and 10 CPUs for PostgreSQL 16
Memory settings recommendations success: memory settings are already tuned
Parallelism settings recommendations success: parallelism settings are already tuned
WAL settings recommendations success: WAL settings are already tuned
Background writer settings recommendations success: background writer settings are already tuned
Miscellaneous settings recommendations success: miscellaneous settings are already tuned Saving changes to: /Users/gscar/Library/Application Support/Postgres/var-16/postgresql.conf