An opinionated and feature-packed project template for frontend projects utilizing JavaScript and WebAssembly.
This template is designed to set up a Javascript / Webassembly hybrid project with all the bells and whistles:
- Compilation to Webassembly from Rust
- Typescript / React set up for Javascript
- Npm / Cargo for package management needs of Javascript / Rust
- Linting Javascript / Rust code via ESLint / Clippy (Includes Typescript and React linting)
- Formatting Javascript / Rust code via prettier / rustfmt (Includes Typescript and React formatting)
- Webpack with the wasm-pack plugin for
- Bundling Javascript and Webassembly
- Code reloading on both Javascript and Rust code changes
- Continuous Integration through Github Workflows
- A simple to use project CLI via Make
- Docker for containerization
- Development environment through VSCode, rust-analyzer and the Remote Container extension
π NOTE: See the "Customizing your project" section about not using some of these tools.
π NOTE2: This solution was created as the practical part of the author's Bachelor's thesis, therefore all the technologies chosen were considered to be the optimal ones for the context based on research and analysis.
A single command installs all necessary dependencies if they're not already installed and generates a new ready-to-use project (or if you've already done it once, just generate a new project)
π NOTE: While this template doesn't support Windows specifically, it mostly just depends on some simple UNIX commands. If you can get WSL / MinGW or a similar setup working then this setup can work on Windows too! You'll need to install Docker, Make, curl and VSCode yourself.
read -p "Enter a name for your new project (kebab-case): " project_name &&
[[ ! $project_name =~ ^[a-z0-9-]*$ ]] &&
echo "Project name is not kebab-case" ||
# Install some utils and VSCode via package manager
sudo apt-get install make curl libssl-dev pkg-config &&
sudo snap install --classic code &&
# Install rustup and cargo-generate
curl -S | sh &&
source $HOME/.cargo/env &&
cargo install cargo-generate &&
# Install docker if it isn't already installed
curl -S | sh &&
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER &&
newgrp docker << SUBSHELL
# Create a new project
cargo generate --git --name $project_name &&
# Open the project and setup VSCode
cd $project_name &&
make dbuild-image &&
code --install-extension ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers &&
code .
read -p "Enter a name for your new project (kebab-case): " project_name &&
[[ ! $project_name =~ ^[a-z0-9-]*$ ]] &&
echo "Project name is not kebab-case" ||
# Install some utils and VSCode via package manager
brew install make curl openssl pkg-config &&
brew cask install visual-studio-code &&
# Install docker if it isn't already installed
# Automates the process defined at
if [ ! "$(command -v docker)" ]; then
sudo curl -S > Docker.dmg &&
hdiutil attach Docker.dmg &&
cp -r /Volumes/Docker/ ~/Applications/ &&
rm Docker.dmg &&
open -a Docker;
fi &&
# Install rustup and cargo-generate
curl -S | sh &&
source $HOME/.cargo/env &&
cargo install cargo-generate &&
# Create a new project
cargo generate --git --name $project_name &&
# Open the project and setup VSCode
cd $project_name &&
make dbuild-image &&
code --install-extension ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers &&
code .
read -p "Enter a name for your new project (kebab-case): " project_name &&
[[ ! $project_name =~ ^[a-z0-9-]*$ ]] &&
echo "Project name is not kebab-case" ||
# Create a new project
cargo generate --git --name $project_name &&
# Open the project and setup VSCode
cd $project_name &&
make dbuild-image &&
code --install-extension ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers &&
code .
Both processes will end with VSCode asking to open the current project in a container β press yes.
When the process completes run make help
in the VSCode integrated terminal to see how to get started!
$ make help
install Install project dependancies (rust will install dependancies on build)
format Format rust and javascript source code
format-check Check formatting of rust and javascript source code
lint Lint rust and javascript source code
build Build rust and javascript and have webpack bundle everything
test Run rust and javascript tests in firefox and chrome
start Start webpack dev server for running the application with hot reloading on rust or javascript code changes
clean Clean up all the installed dependancies and build artifacts
dshell Open a shell session inside the projects docker container
dclean Remove projects docker container and image
dbuild-image Build projects docker image
dcreate-container Create projects docker container
dstart-container Start projects docker container
dsetup Setup project inside docker from scratch
indock Run a make command inside docker, example usage: make indock cmd=build
help Show this help message
$ make install && make start # Start a reloading server on localhost:8080
π NOTE: To enable GitHub Workflows for CI, enable it in .github/workflows/ci.yml. It is disabled by default to not accidentally waste your GitHub Workflow minutes.
Various parts of the project are modular, allowing for easy removal of some features and re-use of some common logic.
The VSCode configuration is limited only to the .devcontainer folder. Removing this folder will remove any VSCode specific logic from the project so you can use your favourite Editor / IDE! Also don't forget to skip installing VSCode in the install command.
Docker is used in these cases:
- For local development
- For continuous integration
- For VSCode
If you don't intend to use any of these features, feel free to simply delete the Dockerfile. Also don't forget to skip installing Docker in the install command.
π NOTE: If you intend to set up the Rust toolchain locally (as opposed to in Docker) then you can use the included script. This script is used in Docker for the same purpose and is package manager agnostic.