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Chat Control

Oliver Martin edited this page Feb 3, 2019 · 3 revisions

The chat control module of MultiChat features commands including mute and ignore, as well as a powerful regular expression find and replace tool allowing for commands to be performed when phrases are matched etc.

A range of information about this module (especially for the regular expression system) can be found in the config file: chatcontrol.yml


/mute <player>

MultiChat provides a light-weight mute command for people without a dedicated bungeecord ban management plugin. This can be configured to prevent players using global chat, private messages, group chats, helpme, etc.

Permission: multichat.mute

You can prevent a player from being muted by using the multichat.mute.bypass permission.


/ignore <player>

MultiChat also provides a full fledged /ignore command to allow players to ignore each others messages with many config options! (See chatcontrol.yml)

Permission: multichat.ignore

You can prevent a player from being ignored by using the multichat.ignore.bypass permission.


There is a basic Anti-Spam feature for people without a dedicated plugin to do so. It also has many config options to customise it to work how you want. (See chatcontrol.yml)

Bypass permission: multichat.spam.bypass (Prevents a player being checked for spam)