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Custom Broadcasts (CASTS)

Oliver Martin edited this page Feb 3, 2019 · 4 revisions


Casts are custom broadcasts that you can create once then use whenever you need. Remember the traditional /broadcast <message> command? It makes chat say "[Broadcast] YOUR MESSAGE HERE". Casts are like this but you can change the broadcast text and colours to whatever you want! To see the available commands use:


If you wish to add a cast simply do:

/cast add <cast name> <cast format>

For example: /cast add supercast &5[&6SUPERCAST&5]&c

Then I could use this by doing: /supercast This is a message I want to display

NOTE: Whatever you call your cast will override any existing commands of the same name... For safety reasons you cannot call your cast "cast" otherwise you would never be able to remove it! Keep this in mind when choosing what to name casts, otherwise you could be very confused when you do /msg and its displayed to the entire server in a [MSGCAST] !!!

So to use your cast, you just do /<castname> <message>

When you want to remove a cast do:

/cast remove <cast name>

To view a list of all avaliable casts use:

/cast list

The permission to use the /cast command to make, remove, and list casts is:


This also gives you permission to use any cast that has been created. However, you can give people permissions to use specific casts without giving them permissions to make new ones etc. To do this give them the following permission:


So for the supercast example we had before, if I wanted someone else to be able to use it, I would give them "multichat.cast.supercast"

If you have been following through my tutorial sequentially, then the final section is on all the plugin permissions. I have tried to mention them all as I go along, but here is the extensive list.