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Private Messaging

Oliver Martin edited this page Feb 3, 2019 · 4 revisions

MultiChat includes a powerful private messaging module to allow players on your network to chat to each other privately. It is possible to disable this feature in the config, and similarly to global chat you can exempt some servers on your network from the feature if you wish.

The default messaging command is


But you can also specify aliases to this command in config.yml, by default the aliases are as such:

- m
- message
- t
- tell
- w
- whisper
- chat
- pm

You can add to or remove items from this list, just use /multichat reload for your changes to take effect.

The command format is:

/msg <player> [message]

If you leave the message blank then your chat will be toggled to only send to that player. To disable the toggle simply type the same command again. (This feature can also be disabled in config.yml)

To reply to the latest private message you have either sent or received you can use the command:

/r <message>

The following aliases are also present:

- reply
- respond

Once again you can edit this list in the config as you choose.

To use these commands you must have the following permission:

Social spy allows staff members to view the private messages sent by all players on the network in order to monitor them. It is off by default, you can enable (or disable) it by using:


The aliases are once again in the config:

- spy
- sspy

You will need to have the following permission node to use socialspy:


If a previous staff member had social spy enabled then they are demoted, no need to worry, they will only be able to see messages if they also have the permission!

If you want higher ranked staff to be able to chat without other staff online seeing any conversation involving them then use the permission:


NOTE: that their messages will still be recorded in the console.

Next, why not take a look at the helpme command