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Staff Chat

Oliver Martin edited this page Feb 3, 2019 · 6 revisions

MultiChat provides two private chat streams for your server staff. A moderator chat and an administrator chat. These chats can be used with:

/mc [message]

for mod chat and:

/ac [message]

for admin chat.

Using just /ac or /mc on their own will toggle the chat until another chat is toggled or the same command is executed again to toggle it off.

(Permissions: multichat.staff.mod and multichat.staff.admin)

To change the colours of the chat you can use

/mcc <chat color code> <name color code>

for mod chat, and

/acc <chat color code> <name color code>

for admin chat.

This uses the standard minecraft color codes.

(The chat color and name color refer to the default format. If you edit the format then you can use %CC% to represent the chat color code set by the staff member and %NC% to represent the name color code set by the staff member. You can also change the default color codes for the chat in the config.) Here is an example of a staff member changing their preferences:

To make chat colour gold, and name colour white

/mcc 6 f

To make chat colour purple, and name colour gray

/acc 5 7

Example of changing chat colours in game

Group chats work in a similar way to the staff chats, so I recommend looking at those next: Click Here