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Oliver Martin edited this page May 1, 2020 · 6 revisions
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                      MultiChat                       | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# By Revilo410

#   DON'T EDIT   #
version: "1.9"   #

Config version, do not edit or it will break the plugin!

# Console log formats
console_main_prefix: "&8[&2M&aC&8]&f "
console_chat_prefix: "&fCHAT &f> "
console_modchat_prefix: "&3STAFFCHAT &f> &3"
console_adminchat_prefix: "&5STAFFCHAT &f> &5"
console_groupchat_prefix": "&2GROUPCHAT &f> &2"
console_display_prefix: "&fDISPLAY &f> "
console_socialspy_prefix: "&cSOCIALSPY &f> &c"
console_helpme_prefix: "&4HELPME &f> &4"

# Prefix to be shown in front of all plugin messages
prefix: "&8&l[&2&lM&a&lC&8&l]&f "

# Plugin messages
command_acc_usage: "&aUsage: /acc <chatcolorcode> <namecolorcode>"
command_acc_only_players: "&cOnly players can change chat colours!"
command_acc_updated: "&aAdmin-Chat colours updated!"
command_acc_invalid: "&cInvalid color codes specified: Must be letters a-f or numbers 0-9"
command_acc_invalid_usage: "&cUsage: /acc <chatcolorcode> <namecolorcode>"

command_ac_toggle_on: "&dAdmin chat toggled on!"
command_ac_toggle_off: "&cAdmin chat toggled off!"
command_ac_only_players: "&cOnly players can toggle the chat!"

command_announcement_list: "&aList of avaliable announcements:"
command_announcement_list_item: "&b -> %SPECIAL%"
command_announcement_does_not_exist: "&cSorry, no such announcement found: %SPECIAL%"
command_announcement_removed: "&aRemoved announcement: %SPECIAL%"
command_announcement_stopped: "&aStopped announcement: %SPECIAL%"
command_announcement_stopped_error: "&cSorry, unable to stop announcement: %SPECIAL%"
command_announcement_started: "&aStarted announcement: %SPECIAL%"
command_announcement_started_error: "&cSorry, unable to start announcement: %SPECIAL%"
command_announcement_added: "&aAdded announcement: %SPECIAL%"
command_announcement_added_error: "&cSorry, announcement already exists: %SPECIAL%"
command_announcement_usage: "&aUsage:"

command_bulletin_stopped: "&bBulletins stopped"
command_bulletin_list: "&aList of bulletin messages with index:"
command_bulletin_list_item: "&b -> %SPECIAL%"
command_bulletin_removed: "&bRemoved bulletin"
command_bulletin_started: "&bStarted bulletin"
command_bulletin_added: "&bAdded to bulletin"
command_bulletin_invalid_usage: "&cInvalid command usage!"
command_bulletin_usage: "&aUsage:"

command_cast_usage: "&aUsage:"
command_cast_list: "&aList of avaliable casts:"
command_cast_list_item: "&b -> %SPECIAL%"
command_cast_removed: "&aRemoved cast: %SPECIAL%"
command_cast_does_not_exist: "&cSorry, no such cast found: %SPECIAL%"
command_cast_added: "&aAdded cast: %SPECIAL%"
command_cast_added_error: "&cSorry, cast already exists: %SPECIAL%"

command_channel_help: |
 &3&lChannel Command Help
 &bSwitch channel
 &f&o/channel switch <channel>
 &bShow/Hide channel
 &f&o/channel show/hide <channel>
command_channel_switch: "&bSwitched to channel: &f&o%SPECIAL%"
command_channel_hide: "&bYou have hidden channel: &f&o%SPECIAL%"
command_channel_show: "&bYou have un-hidden channel: &f&o%SPECIAL%"
command_channel_already_hide: "&bYou have already hidden channel: &f&o%SPECIAL%"
command_channel_already_show: "&bYou have already un-hidden channel: &f&o%SPECIAL%"
command_channel_does_not_exist: "&cSorry, that channel does not exist"
command_channel_only_players: "&cSorry, only players can use chat channel commands"
command_channel_switch_no_permission: "&cYou are unable to switch channels"
command_channel_hide_no_permission: "&cYou are unable to hide channels"
command_channel_show_no_permission: "&cYou are unable to show channels"
command_channel_cannot_hide: "&cYou cannot hide your currently selected channel"

command_clearchat_self: "&bYour chat has been cleared"
command_clearchat_server: "&bServer chat has been cleared"
command_clearchat_global: "&bGlobal chat has been cleared"
command_clearchat_all: "&bAll chat has been cleared"
command_clearchat_no_permission: "&cYou do not have permission to clear %SPECIAL% chat"
command_clearchat_usage: "&cUsage: /clearchat [self/server/global/all]"

command_display_desc: "&3Display a message to the entire network"
command_display_usage: "&bUsage /display <message>"

command_freezechat_thawed: "&b&lChat was &3&lTHAWED &b&lby &a&l%SPECIAL%"
command_freezechat_frozen: "&b&lChat was &3&lFROZEN &b&lby &a&l%SPECIAL%"

command_gc_toggle_on: "&aGroup chat toggled on!"
command_gc_toggle_off: "&cGroup chat toggled off!"
command_gc_only_players_toggle: "&cOnly players can toggle the chat!"
command_gc_no_longer_exists: "&cSorry your selected chat no longer exists, please select a chat with /group <group name>"
command_gc_no_chat_selected: "&cPlease select the chat you wish to message using /group <group name>"
command_gc_only_players_speak: "&cOnly players can speak in group chats"

command_global_enabled_1: "&3GLOBAL CHAT ENABLED"
command_global_enabled_2: "&bYour messages will go to all servers!"
command_global_only_players: "&cOnly players can change their chat state"

command_group_selected: "&aYour /gc messages will now go to group: %SPECIAL%"
command_group_not_a_member: "&cSorry you aren't a member of group: %SPECIAL%"
command_group_does_not_exist: "&cSorry the following group chat does not exist: %SPECIAL%"
command_group_only_players_select: "&cOnly players can select a group chat"
command_group_incorrect_usage: "&cIncorrect command usage, use /group to see a list of commands!"
command_group_member_list: "&a&lShowing members of group: %SPECIAL%"
command_group_member_list_item: "&b- %SPECIAL%"
command_group_member_list_item_admin: "&b- &b&o%SPECIAL%"
command_group_spy_all_disabled_1: "&cGlobal group spy disabled"
command_group_spy_all_disabled_2: "&cAny groups you previously activated spy for will still be spied on!"
command_group_spy_all_disabled_3: "&cDisable spy for individual groups with /group spy <groupname>"
command_group_spy_all_enabled: "&aGlobal group spy enabled for all group chats!"
command_group_spy_no_permission: "&cSorry this command does not exist, use /group"
command_group_spy_off: "&cYou are no longer spying on: %SPECIAL%"
command_group_spy_on: "&aYou are now spying on: %SPECIAL%"
command_group_spy_already_a_member: "&cYou are already a member of this chat so can't spy on it!"
command_group_spy_does_not_exist: "&cSorry this group chat does not exist!"
command_group_created: "&aYou successfully created, joined, and selected the group: %SPECIAL%"
command_group_already_exists: "&cSorry the following group chat already exists: %SPECIAL%"
command_group_max_length: "&cSorry group name cannot exceed 20 characters!"
command_group_create_no_permission: "&cSorry you do not have permission to create new group chats"
command_group_joined: "&aYou successfully joined and selected the group: %SPECIAL%"
command_group_formal_not_owner: "&cSorry this command can only be used by the group chat owner"
command_group_formal_already_formal: "&cSorry this chat is already a formal group chat: %SPECIAL%"
command_group_formal_not_admin: "&cSorry this command can only be used by group admins/owners"
command_group_max_length_password: "&cSorry neither group name or password must exceed 20 characters"
command_group_transfer_not_member: "&cThis player is not already a member of the group!"
command_group_transfer_not_owner: "&cSorry you are not the owner of this chat!"
command_group_transfer_not_informal: "&cThis command can only be used on informal chats!"
command_group_player_not_online: "&cThis player is not online!"
command_group_formal_only_admin: "&cYou can't step down as a group admin because you are the only one!"
command_group_formal_cannot_demote: "&cYou can't demote another group admin!"
command_group_not_formal: "&cThis command can only be used on formal chats!"
command_group_banned: "&cYou were banned from group: %SPECIAL%"
command_group_unbanned: "&aYou were unbanned from group: %SPECIAL%"
command_group_cannot_ban_admin: "&cYou can't ban a group admin!"
command_group_color_invalid: "&cInvalid color codes specified: Must be letters a-f or numbers 0-9"
command_group_color_usage: "&cUsage: /group color/colour <group name> <chatcolorcode> <namecolorcode>"
command_group_only_players: "&cOnly players can use group chats"

command_grouplist_list: "&a&lGroup List:"
command_grouplist_list_item: "&b- %SPECIAL%"

command_helpme_desc: "&4Request help from a staff member!"
command_helpme_usage: "&cUsage: /HelpMe <Message>"
command_helpme_sent: "&cYour request for help has been sent to all online staff :)"
command_helpme_only_players: "&4Only players can request help!"
command_helpme_format: "&c&l<< &4HELPME &c&l>> &f&o%SPECIAL%"

command_local_enabled_1: "&3LOCAL CHAT ENABLED"
command_local_enabled_2: "&bYour messages will only go to this server!"
command_local_only_players: "&cOnly players can change their chat state"

command_mcc_usage: "&aUsage: /mcc <chatcolorcode> <namecolorcode>"
command_mcc_only_players: "&cOnly players can change chat colours!"
command_mcc_updated: "&aMod-Chat colours updated!"
command_mcc_invalid: "&cInvalid color codes specified: Must be letters a-f or numbers 0-9"
command_mcc_invalid_usage: "&cUsage: /mcc <chatcolorcode> <namecolorcode>"

command_mc_toggle_on: "&bMod chat toggled on!"
command_mc_toggle_off: "&cMod chat toggled off!"
command_mc_only_players: "&cOnly players can toggle the chat!"

command_msg_usage: "&bUsage: /msg <player> [message]"
command_msg_usage_toggle: "&bUsing /msg <player> with no message will toggle chat to go to that player"
command_msg_toggle_on: "&ePrivate chat toggled on! [You -> %SPECIAL%] (Type the same command to disable the toggle)"
command_msg_toggle_off: "&cPrivate chat toggled off!"
command_msg_only_players: "&cOnly players can toggle the chat!"
command_msg_not_online: "&cSorry this person is not online!"
command_msg_disabled_target: "&cSorry private messages are disabled on the target player's server!"
command_msg_disabled_sender: "&cSorry private messages are disabled on this server!"
command_msg_no_toggle: "&cSorry, message toggles are not allowed on this server!"

command_multichat_help_1: |
 &2&lMulti&a&lChat &b&lHelp
 &3Display plugin version info
 &3Reload the plugin config
 &b/multichat reload
 &3Save ALL plugin data
 &b/multichat save
 &3Display a message to all players
 &b/display <message>
 &3View group chat help
 &3Send mod chat message &o(Send admin chat message)
 &b/mc <message> &o(/ac <message>)
 &3Change mod/&oadmin &3chat colours
 &b/mcc <chat colour code> <name colour code>
 &b&o/acc <chat colour code> <name colour code>
 &3Toggle mod chat &o(Toggle admin chat)
 &b/mc &o(/ac)
 &3&lType &b&l/multichat help <page number> &3&lto view more commands
command_multichat_help_2: |
 &2&lMulti&a&lChat &b&lHelp [Page 2]
 &3View all global chat (Enabled by default)
 &3Only view chat from your current server
 &3See a list of online staff members
 &3See a list of all group chats
 &3Send a player a private message
 &b/msg <player> [message]
 &3Reply to your last message
 &b/r <message>
 &3Toggle socialspy to view private messages
 &3Freeze the chat to stop messages being sent
 &3Clear the chat stream for yourself or a group of people
 &b/clearchat [self,server,global,all]
command_multichat_help_3: |
 &2&lMulti&a&lChat &b&lHelp [Page 3]
 &3View announcement commands
 &3View bulletin commands
 &3View cast commands
 &3Use a specified cast from the console
 &b/usecast <cast> <message>
 &3Alert staff members of a problem
 &b/helpme <message>
 &3Nickname a player (Only works if MultiChat installed on Spigot / Sponge)
 &b/nick [player] <nickname/off>
 &3Get players real name from their nickname (Only works on Spigot)
 &b/realname <nickname>
 &3Mute players to prevent them sending messages
 &b/mute <player>
 &3Ignore players to stop seeing their messages
 &b/ignore <player>
command_multichat_save_prepare: "&3Preparing to save multichat files!"
command_multichat_save_completed: "&bSave completed!"
command_multichat_reload_prepare: "&3Preparing to reload multichat files!"
command_multichat_reload_completed: "&bReload completed!"

command_multichatbypass_usage: |
 &4Usage: /mcb
 &c&oThis command causes your chat messages to bypass MultiChat and be handled directly by spigot.
command_multichatbypass_enabled: "&aMultiChat BYPASS Enabled"
command_multichatbypass_disabled: "&bMultiChat BYPASS Disabled"

command_execute_usage: |
 &2Usage: /mce [-s <server-regex>] [-p <player-regex>] <command>
 &a&oThis command allows you to execute a command over all your spigot servers (&lwhich have at least one player online!&a&o)
 By default the command will be executed by console, you can instead make players execute the command using the -p flag.
 By default the command will be executed on all servers, you can limit which servers using the -s flag.
command_execute_sent: "&2The command has been sent"
command_execute_regex: "&cThe regex specified was invalid"

command_reply_usage: "&bUsage: /r <message>"
command_reply_desc: "&bReply to the person who you private messaged most recently"
command_reply_no_one_to_reply_to: "&cYou have no one to reply to!"
command_reply_only_players: "&cOnly players can reply to private messages"

command_socialspy_disabled: "&cSocial Spy Disabled"
command_socialspy_enabled: "&bSocial Spy Enabled"
command_socialspy_usage: "&bUsage: /socialspy"
command_socialspy_desc: "&bToggles if the user has social spy enabled or disabled"
command_socialspy_only_players: "&cOnly players can toggle socialspy"

command_stafflist_list: "&a&lOnline Staff"
command_stafflist_list_item: "&b- %SPECIAL%"
command_stafflist_list_server: "&a%SPECIAL%"
command_stafflist_no_staff: "&b&oThere are currently no staff online"

command_usecast_usage: "&aUsage:"
command_usecast_does_not_exist: "&cSorry, no such cast found: %SPECIAL%"

groups_toggled_but_no_longer_exists_1: "&cYou have toggled group chat but selected group doesn't exist!"
groups_toggled_but_no_longer_exists_2: "&cPlease select the chat you wish to message using /group <group name> or disable the toggle with /gc"
groups_password_protected: "&cSorry this group chat is password protected: %SPECIAL%"
groups_password_incorrect: "&cSorry incorrect password for: %SPECIAL%"
groups_already_joined: "&cSorry you are already a member of the group: %SPECIAL%"
groups_banned: "&cSorry you are banned from the group: %SPECIAL%"
groups_quit: "&aYou successfully left the group: %SPECIAL%"
groups_cannot_quit_owner_1: "&cSorry you cannot leave as you created the group!: %SPECIAL%"
groups_cannot_quit_owner_2: "&cPlease transfer group ownership first! Use /group transfer %SPECIAL% <playername>"
groups_cannot_quit_admin_1: "&cSorry you cannot leave as you are the only group admin!: %SPECIAL%"
groups_cannot_quit_admin_2: "&cPlease appoint a new admin using /group admin %SPECIAL% <playername>"
groups_info_joined: " has joined the group chat!"
groups_info_quit: " has left the group chat!"
groups_info_formal: " has converted this group to a FORMAL group chat!"
groups_info_deleted: " has deleted this group chat!"
groups_info_goodbye: "Goodbye! If you want to see group chat commands do /group"
groups_info_transfer: " has transferred ownership to "
groups_info_promoted: " has promoted the following member to group admin: "
groups_info_step_down: " has stepped down as a group admin"
groups_info_kick: " kicked the following player from the group chat: "
groups_info_ban: " has banned the following player from the group chat: "
groups_info_unban: " has unbanned the following player from the group chat: "
groups_info_colors: "Group chat colours changed by "

groups_help_1: |
 &cGroup Chat Command Usage [Page 1] - INFORMAL GROUPS
 &a/group create/make <group name> [password]
 &a/group join <group name> [password]
 &a/group leave/quit <group name>
 &a/group <group name>
 &a/group color/colour <group name> <chatcolorcode> <namecolorcode>
 &a/group transfer <group name> <player name>
 &a/group delete <group name>
 &a/group list/members <group name>
 &a/gc <message>
 &cTo see FORMAL group chat commands do /group help 2
groups_help_2: |
 &cGroup Chat Command Usage [Page 2] - FORMAL GROUPS
 &3All group chats default to informal group chats
 &3If you are a group owner you can convert your group to a formal group chat
 &3Formal group chats restrict changing colours to appointed group admins only
 &3Appointed group admins will also be able to ban people from the chat
 &a/group formal <group name>
 &a/group admin <group name> <player name>
 &a/group ban <group name> <player name>
 &cTo see INFORMAL group chat commands do /group help 1

freezechat_frozen: "&bSorry chat has been &3&lFROZEN"

mute_muted: "&cYou have been muted by staff! You can no longer send chat messages."
mute_unmuted: "&aYou have been unmuted by staff, you can now send messages."
mute_muted_staff: "&cPlayer has been muted!"
mute_unmuted_staff: "&aPlayer has been unmuted!"
mute_cannot_send_message: "&cYou are currently muted so cannot send messages!"
mute_usage: "&cUsage: /mute <player> (Also used to unmute players)"
mute_player_not_found: "&cPlayer cannot be muted as they are not online"
mute_bypass: "&cYou cannot mute this player"

ignore_sender: "&cYou cannot message this person"
ignore_target: "&c[%SPECIAL% sent a message, but you ignore them]"
ignore_ignored: "&bYou will no longer see chat messages from %SPECIAL%"
ignore_unignored: "&bYou have un-ignored %SPECIAL%"
ignore_player_not_found: "&cPlayer cannot be ignored as they are not online"
ignore_usage: "&cUsage: /ignore <player> (Also used to un-ignore players)"
ignore_bypass: "&cYou cannot ignore this player"
ignore_cannot_ignore_yourself: "&cYou cannot ignore yourself!"

anti_spam_cooldown: "&cANTI-SPAM: Your messages have been blocked. You cannot chat for another %SPECIAL% seconds."

These are all the messages sent by the plugin. You can customise there here! The %SPECIAL% placeholder is used in some commands to specify specific values that will be put in before displaying. For example, it can be used to represent the name of a group chat, the name of a player, the time remaining before you can chat again etc.