It is a web application which shows the contents of the rick and morty database through a web page. In the current state this page can show 829 characters the rich and morty public API together with their corresponding data
Currently this page doesnt have a domain or ssl certificate but is completly functional
These are the current functionalities:
- It has a register form.
- Validates that the username entry is an email.
- Validates that the password is strong enough.
- Brings the rick and morty API data to be displayed.
- Allows you to add any specific id you want
- Allows you to see the detail of each character.
- Allows you to remove characters
- Allows you to navigate from a character to the main page
For this project the following technologies were used:
- React
- Html
- AWS (EC2)
- Docker
- Linux
- nginx (web server)
- p2m