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Python-powered tool to craft Sudoku books where each puzzle relies on the solution of the previous one.


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🎮 LEAP - Linked Enigmas And Puzzles

Ever wished Sudoku puzzles were more... connected? Me neighter Well, LEAP is exactly that - a Sudoku book generator that creates puzzles that are linked together like a chain of mathematical DNA. 🧬

Table of Contents

🧩 What's This All About?

LEAP is the spiritual successor to BOOP (Book of Organized Puzzles), trading word searches for Sudoku with a twist. While BOOP organized random words into themed word searches, LEAP creates Sudoku puzzles where each one holds the key to solving the next. It's like a puzzle inception! 🌀

The Secret Sauce 🤫

  • First puzzle: Regular Sudoku (boring, I know)
  • Following puzzles: Sudoku + secret placeholders (a, b, c...)
  • To solve puzzle #2, you need the solution from puzzle #1
  • The more advanced the mode, the more placeholders you get (because I'm evil like that)

🚀 Quick Start

python -n "My_Awesome_Sudoku_Book"

That's it! Your book will be ready faster than you can say "what's a nonogram?"

Feeling Fancy? Try These Arguments:

python \
  -e 15    # Easy puzzles (for beginners)
  -m 10    # Medium puzzles (for coffee breaks)
  -a 5     # Advanced puzzles (for lunch breaks)
  -g 3     # Grandmaster puzzles (for quitting your job)
  -ct      # Add text over your cover (because why not?)

📋 Requirements

  • Python 3.x
  • A love for puzzles
  • Coffee (optional but recommended)

📦 Installation

  1. Clone this repo
git clone
  1. Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create puzzles:

🎨 Features

  • 4 difficulty modes (Easy to "Why am I doing this to myself?")
  • Automated puzzle generation
  • Professional PDF output with:
    • Cover page
    • Index
    • Instructions
    • Mode transition pages
    • Solutions (for cheaters)

⚙️ Customization

Adjust these arguments to make your perfect puzzle book:

Argument Description Default
-n, --name Output PDF filename "LEAP"
-e, --easy Easy puzzles 15
-m, --medium Medium puzzles 10
-a, --advanced Advanced puzzles 5
-g, --grandmaster Grandmaster puzzles 3
-eh, --easy-hints Easy puzzles hints 40
-mh, --medium-hints Medium puzzles hints 36
-ah, --advanced-hints Advanced puzzles hints 27
-gh, --grandmaster-hints Grandmaster puzzles hints 18
-ct, --cover-text Enable cover page text False
-d, --delete Delete puzzle folder False

📁 Project Structure

│      # PDF book creation logic
│  # Sudoku puzzle generation
│            # Main execution script
│   requirements.txt   # Project dependencies
└───Assets             # Background images and assets

🎯 Pro Tips

  1. Start with easy mode (trust me)
  2. Each puzzle takes ~30 seconds to solve (or hours if you're like me)
  3. Solutions are at the back (no judging cheater)

⚠️ Important Notes

  • Each difficulty mode requires at least one puzzle
  • Minimum hint count per puzzle is 18 for puzzle validity
  • Background images should be placed in the Assets directory
  • Generated puzzles are temporarily stored and can be automatically cleaned up using the -d flag

🤝 Contributing

Found a bug? Want to add more evil features? PRs welcome!

📜 License

MIT (Make It Tougher) License

🙏 Acknowledgments

Special thanks to BOOP for paving the way and to coffee for making this possible. Also Claude for bug fixes.

Remember: In LEAP, skipping puzzles is not just cheating - it's impossible! 😈 Unless you're a grandmaster, which you aren't you f...

"Life is like a Sudoku puzzle - sometimes you need to go back to move forward." - Ancient Puzzle Proverb (probably)


Python-powered tool to craft Sudoku books where each puzzle relies on the solution of the previous one.






