VCD file command line viewer. TUI remplacement to GTKWave.
Linux and MacOS binaries are available in the releases page
Self assembly:
gcc vcd.c -o vcd
Usage: ./vcd [OPTION] [FILE]...:
-h: : this help screen
-w=2 : width of each sample (1,2,...)
-r=2 : rounded wave (0:none,1:pipe,2:slash)
-t=10 : time scale step (0:none,1,10,...)
-b=0 : Begin sample (0:begin,1,...)
-e=0 : End sample (0:end,1,...)
-i=1 : tui (0:off,1:on)
-s=a,b,c : comma separated scope(s) to display
./vcd -i=0 -w=3 -r=1 -t=10 samples/plasma.vcd > test.out
./vcd -i=1 -t=2 samples/Icarus.vcd
- fix a bug that does not allow using the entire area of the terminal
- Clean up your code
This project is a fork of the yne/vcd project based on an old version of the program.