gitea-github-sync provides a simple CLI to sync Github repositories to your Gitea instance.
pip install gitea-github-sync
If you are interested in using a pre-packaged docker image, please look at the Docker Readme
Create a file in $HOME/.config/gitea-github-sync/config.yml
with the following template and fill up the missing values:
gitea_api_url: https://<your-gitea-instance>/api/v1
gitea_token: <your-gitea-token>
github_token: <your-github-token>
Go to https://<your-local-gitea-instance>/user/settings/applications and generate a new token.
Go to and create a token with the following values set:
- Note: this is a note to help you understand how the token is used.
- Expiration: No expiration
- repo: Select all of repo
Github allows you to create Personal access tokens. These tokens now exist in two different flavors:
- Fine-grained tokens
- Classic tokens
Both work with gitea-github-sync, but given that Gitea does not allow the modification of the access token through the API, a non-expiring token must be used which limits the usage to Classic tokens.
gitea-github-sync --help
Shows the help
gitea-github-sync list-all-gitea-repositories
Lists all available Gitea repositories in your account
gitea-github-sync list-all-github-repositories
Lists all available Github repositories in your account
gitea-github-sync migrate-repo FULL_REPO_NAME
Migrates one repo from Github to Gitea
gitea-github-sync sync
Migrates all repos not present in Gitea from Github
There are multiple ways to automate the execution of gitea-github-sync. One of them is using cron:
First, execute crontab -e
to open the cron configuration file in edit mode.
Then add the following line:
0 12 * * * gitea-github-sync sync
This will execute the sync operation every day at twelve.
When using the migration feature of Gitea, a Github token must be passed for Gitea to continuously pull the new changes from Github.
The token used by gitea-github-sync to list repositories is the same that is used by Gitea for continuous monitoring. Updating the value of this token is unfortunately not possible through the API as of now.