- A role, with no permissions, which can be assumed by users within the same account
- A policy, allowing users / entities to assume the above role
- A group, with the above policy attached
- A user, belonging to the above group
Note: All entities have been named in a way btc-prod-role, btc-prod-policy, btc-prod-group, btc-prod-user
1. Clone the repository on a system with valid terraform installation.
2. Download aws-cli, setup your default profile with aws-configure.
2. Navigate to the folder environment/demo and run folloiwng commands
a. terraform init
b. terraform plan
c. teraaform apply
aws_iam_group "Group btc-prod-group is created with ID btc-prod-group and ARN arn:aws:iam::YOUR_AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER:group/btc-prod-group"
aws_iam_group_membership "User btc-prod-user is added to group btc-prod-group"
aws_iam_policy "A policy with name btc-prod-policy ID btc-prod-policy and arn arn:aws:iam::YOUR_AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER:policy/btc-prod-policy have been created"
aws_iam_policy_attachment "Policy btc-prod-policy is attcahed to Group btc-prod-group "
aws_iam_role "Role btc-prod-role created with ID btc-prod-role And ARN arn:aws:iam::YOUR_AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER:role/btc-prod-role"
aws_iam_user "User btc-prod-user is created with id btc-prod-user and ARN arn:aws:iam::YOUR_AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER:user/btc-prod-user"