Includes an extended navigation for newspapers and series. It based on a widen solr handling for parent documents (root field).
The plugin provides the extended solr handling for series (solr-navigation.xsl). In frontend context there is a series layout with a panel that shows the navigation.
Download the project from this repository and place it on your computer
Unzip the downloaded file to create a development project folder location
Customize general for this plugin (/mir-navigation-plugin/src/main/resources/config/mir-navigation-plugin/
Create jar file with maven => mvn clean && mvn install
Copy the created jar file from target (/mir-navigation-plugin/target) to mycore home lib
(Windows Systems C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\MyCoRe\mirapplication\lib)
(Linux Systems /home/user/.mycore/mirapplication/lib)
- The navigation plugin uses a widen solr handling for parent documents. For this purpose, the plugin brings its own schema extensions. It is necessary to reload the solr schema (for further information have a look on solr mycore documentation In case of a standard solr core installation (the main core is named „main“) open the mir web cli:
- run command „reload solr configuration main in core main“
- This command synchronizes the solr main core with the solr schema from this plugin
- Reload the mir core with solr webadmin (Core Admin - reload)
- You can do a quick check in the solr webadmin via mir schema menu item (root field should be there now)
- Reindex solr with the rules from the navigation plugin with command „rebuild solr metadata and content index in core main“
- solr entries should provide the extended handling for parent documents now (root field)
The standard implementation identifies derivates as series-navigation relatable if they have set categid="navigation" in derobject classification:
<derobject inherited="0" xlink:type="locator" xlink:href="mir_derivate_00000001">
<classification classid="derivate_types" categid="navigation" />
For adding the series navigation panel in the right corner you have to adapt the MIR.Layout.End property (add series-banner,series-layout):