Gloss experiment with stereo implemened.
Gloss/ stereo experiment.
Summary of main changes made:
- Added GUI
- Allowed for participants to quit at any time at the end of each trial.
- Everything is now bundled into a big structure rather than spitting out loads of files
- Added fixed trial order for debugging.
- Spits out a log.txt file for each particpant, with trial info and timing of events.
- Binocular session and monocular session implemented:
Binocular session = 486 trials (2 light fields x 9 gloss levels x 9 depth values x 3 stereo conditions) Monocular session = 162 trials (2 light fields x 9 gloss levels x 9 depth values x 1 stereo condition (mono))
Stimuli are 15 cm on the monitors in the SS lab.
The main file that drives the experiment is EXPMAIN.m.
Still to do:
- Run pilot