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CCPP Framework Meeting Minutes 2019 07 18

Dom Heinzeller edited this page Jul 18, 2019 · 10 revisions

Constants / constants dictionary

  • ???? (please add the name of the group working on the constants dictionary) have a constant dictionary and turn this into a Fortran module
  • how about different sets? we only want one?
  • we can write a piece of code to create a constant file and metadata file from the yaml constants dictionary that can be used by any host model
  • need to agree on standard names
  • current form is just a yaml file, little information on top
  • we have metadata for the constants that get used in the physics
  • changing the constants in an operational model is a difficult think, can add them as a separate set to the dictionary - the advantage being that people can test their models with different constants

NCAR/CPF progress

  • Dave is in charge of making MPAS a CPF model and create a WRF suite in CPF
  • has already identified most of the standard names in GFS physics that are needed by WRF physics
  • working with Steve to generate a multi-model table of variables (standard names, ...), make this a webpage

Other CCPP efforts

  • NOAA chemistry
    • GSD-CHEM runs through coupler and comes into FV3 via cplchm
    • Haiqin and Georg have a project to put some of this chemistry into CCPP and run it inside FV3
    • is there any coordination with NCAR's chemistry efforts - no
  • NCAR NUOPC-CCPP cap: hurricane supplemental project for Steve, but money hasn't come in yet

Namelist support:

  • something that we need to tackle soon

UFS now pointing to master branches of ccpp-framework and ccpp-physics on NCAR GitHub

  • is this a problem, do we need to change this, i.e. move it elsewhere (not under NSF control)?
  • would escomp be a good place?
  • do they need to point to a different branch, or to their own institutional fork?
  • still the official master will have to be compatible UFS

Vertical direction and vertical coordinate

  • we need to decide on the metadata standard to describe these
  • this needs to be an attribute of each 3-dim variable, use a default "bottom_up"
  • define "up" as against field of gravity
  • this will allow us to do the flipping
  • still not a solution for a vertical dimension: is it height based, pressure based, ...
  • is a hybrid pressure coordinate the de-facto standard?
    • which pressure? dry? moist?
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