- 支援單篇及多篇文章抓取
- 過濾資料內空白、空行及特殊字元
- JSON 格式輸出
- 支援 Python 2.6 - 3.4
輸出 JSON 格式
"article_id": "M.1263537261.A.EA5",
"article_title": "[心得] 通識/556/台灣紀錄片賞析/紀文章",
"author": "twfir (台灣杉)",
"board": "NCHU-Courses",
"content": {
"class_t": "556",
"dept": "新制通識 可採計舊制歷史",
"enrol_seme": "981",
"feeling": "點名是傳張紙點名 報告寫的是上課影片的觀後感 很輕鬆\n\n 播放的紀錄片都很有內容 也有國外的片子\n\n 就通識而言 這可能是最輕鬆的一門 看看電影就有學分 收穫也很大",
"history_record": "",
"judge": "出席期中期末報告(1000字的影片觀後感",
"note": "搶很兇 高年級才有機會加簽(4>3>>>>>2)\n 上課跟看電影一樣 請挑個好位子 不要被擋到",
"prof": "紀文章",
"textbook": "在綜大1樓的視聽教室播放紀錄片\n 時間允許的話 會在片後作講解 不用課本或筆記"
"date": "Fri Jan 15 14:34:19 2010",
"ip": "None",
"message_conut": {
"all": 1,
"boo": 0,
"count": 1,
"neutral": 0,
"push": 1
"messages": [{
"push_content": "好課!",
"push_ipdatetime": " 02/01 23:15",
"push_tag": "推",
"push_userid": "bpbpbp"
python crawler.py -b 看板名稱 -i 起始索引 結束索引
python crawler.py -b 看板名稱 -a 文章ID
python crawler.py -b PublicServan -i 100 200
會爬取 PublicServan 板第 100 頁 (https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PublicServan/index100.html) 到第 200 頁 (https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PublicServan/index200.html) 的內容,輸出至 PublicServan-100-200.json
python crawler.py -b PublicServan -a M.1413618360.A.4F0
會爬取 PublicServan 板文章 ID 為 M.1413618360.A.4F0 (https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PublicServan/M.1413618360.A.4F0.html) 的內容,輸出至 PublicServan-M.1413618360.A.4F0.json
python test.py
ptt-web-crawler is a crawler for the web version of PTT, the largest online community in Taiwan.
usage: python crawler.py [-h] -b BOARD_NAME (-i START_INDEX END_INDEX | -a ARTICLE_ID) [-v]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BOARD_NAME Board name
-i START_INDEX END_INDEX Start and end index
-a ARTICLE_ID Article ID
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
(or BOARD_NAME-ID.json