{Description in progress}
Providing tools to Agencies and Institutions to groom and validate technological trends and artifacts; Companies to naviagate and plan in competetive seas; Organizations and Individuals to Investigate and Orchestrate Actions; Academies to Coordinate WorldWide Global Research Initiatives, a portal of aggregation, pairing, translation, and vetting.
Providing Gudies on How to Take Notes as a Group, in any class situation with our interface for better grades and comprehension w/ existing tools like Google Docs & EtherPad.
Posteritizing an All for one and One for All; Captain Planet type of Sum of Parts Mentality & Interface.
Pioneering ML AI Semantic and Social Engineering / Architecting initiatives through partner programs like Kohortz.Github.io
Facilitating Knowledge Curation, Summation, Validation, Dissemination, Conversation, Innovation; and, Procurement.
- Clustering searchers on similar topics & tasks.
- Mapping Knowledge.
- Machine Learning backed; with human guided semantic extractions.
- Guiding you to the right resources & vetting vast knowledge; with curators you trust.
- Threaded Conversations & Knowledge Economy.
- Tools to take with you in your Org.
Curated Tools, Integrations, and some special made components.
Name | Source | Relevancy | Reason Included | Description | Open | License |
Cogitum Co-Tracker | [(http://cogitum.com/co-tracker-text/more.shtml) | OutDated | Features | "Cogitum Co-Citer is a tool for creating collections of texts from the Internet. It automatically captures the selected text, its Internet address, its title and date of adding to the database." | No | |
Hypothesis | About Hypothesis | Open Platform + W3C | Community & Resources | "Our mission is to bring a new layer to the web. Use Hypothesis to discuss, collaborate, organize your research, or take personal notes." | YES | |
AnnotatorJS | AnnotatorJS | Base for Hypothes.is | Community & Features | "Annotator is an open-source JavaScript library to easily add annotation functionality to any webpage. Annotations can have comments, tags, links, users, and more." | YES | |
Genius | Genius.com & About Genius |
Collaborative Lyrics+ Disambiguation | Design, Popularity, UI/UX | "Genius is the world’s biggest collection of song lyrics and crowdsourced musical knowledge." | - | |
Beagle | BeagleLab | PDF & Chrome Ext | "Open Annotator, PDF.js, React, browserify, MongoDB, and other pretty sweet tools" | "...a system to capture, understand, and share lost data, we can facilitate science as a whole." | YES | MIT |
TrailBlazer | Trailblazer | Web tavels 'graph' | Community Curation | 'fill in later' | Pending | -- |
- Multi-node Web Scraping & Parsing
- Curating Knowledge & Knowledgables
- OrientDB (Neo4J / Titan Gremlin) Graph base
- Bookmark Import & Organization
- Semantic Parsing (Stanford NLP [now])
- As an aid to visual navigation & organization environment clusters.
- Click Trail Tracking (Think WikiMapper & Tabs Outliner have a beautiful beast of a baby)
- Sometimes information is buried ... leave breadcrumbs ... so we can learn to skip the junk.
- Heat Map Options
- All pages in a subject, Sections of Pages [Contested or Agreed Voting & Discussion]
- Quid & EVE online for Research Production
resources & tools for consideration
Name | Github | IRC | |
Nicholas D'Artagnan Dumas | @NDuma | @NDoubles | EsCogitum |