a shell script compiler for linux that converts shell into cpp and then compiles that code
it can get janky but it still compiles it
the ways to install are
deb package
ppa package(not tested)
aur package
source code
download the package and cd into the download directory
cd Downloads
and install it
sudo dpkg -i sham*.deb
run the command
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thayeeboi890/sham
and install it
sudo apt-get update ; sudp apt-get install sham
git clone the aur and cd into it
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/sham.git ; cd sham
compile the aur package
makepkg -si
after it finishes, you will now have sham installed in your system
clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/thayeeboi890/sham.git
cd into the directory
cd sham
compile it
meson build
ninja -C build
and install it
sudo ninja -C build install
created by NEOLabs-software