In order to perform end-to-end testing of the MHS Adaptor, you will require access to an NHS Digital test environment. The MHS adaptor connects to the following two test endpoints which are available in an NHS Digital test environment:
- Spine Core Mocked endpoint - which you will use to send and receive messages
- SDS mocked directory - which is used to lookup routing and reliability information
NHS Digital provides OpenTest as an environment which can be used to perform test activities where an HSCN connection is not available. See for an introduction to OpenTest.
A summary of the steps required to get up and running with OpenTest is provided below:
Request access to OpenTest via as per You will be provided with:
- A VPN login, plus connection instructions and a password
- Your IP address on the VPN network
- Spine Party key and ASID details
- Service locations on the network, and Spine 2 Core service URLs
- An endpoint certificate and private key, both as separate files and a PKCS#12 chain.
- Copies of the root CA and endpoint sub CA
- An .ovpn configuration file for connecting to the VPN
In order to connect to OpenTest you must be connected to the VPN:
- Download and install OpenVPN from:
- Launch OpenVPN GUI - the OpenVPN instance opens in the system tray not as a window
- From the system tray right click and select "Import File" and select the
VPN configuration file that was provided by the platforms support desk - Click "Connect"
- You should now be connected (the icon in the system tray will have a green indicator)
- To verify you are actually connected correctly, hover over the system tray OpenVPN icon and assert that the assigned IP address matches the "IP address on the VPN network" sent as part of the account setup email.
When connected to OpenTest via your OpenVPN client, an instance of Splunk is available to help you diagnose any application issues you may experience when using the service endpoints which OpenTest provides.
Please contact for details.