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Universal Modern Framework on C++20 for clean, flexible, scalable architecture with minimal overhead.


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HelenaFramework is a Universal Modern Framework written in C++20

Status: ready to use, but still developing.


  • Header only
  • High Performance
  • Scalable and Flexible
  • Cross-Platform
  • Clean and Friendly API


  • Windows
  • Linux

Other systems have not been tested or are not supported.


  • Windows: MSVC 16.10, Clang, MSYS2 MinGW/UCRT
  • Linux: Clang-15 or higher, GCC-13 or higher
  • Standard: C++20
Compiler Required flags
MSVC /Zc:preprocessor

WARNING: Clang libc++ is temporarily unsupported, waiting for chrono support for std::formatter
Other compilers have not been tested.

Code Example

#include <Helena/Helena.hpp>

struct MyEvent {
    int value{};

struct MySystem {  
    MySystem() {
        // Subscribe on event
        // All framework events in header: Helena/Engine/Events.hpp
        Helena::Engine::SubscribeEvent<Helena::Events::Engine::Init, &MySystem::OnEventInit>(this);

    ~MySystem() {
        Helena::Engine::UnsubscribeEvent<Helena::Events::Engine::Init, &MySystem::OnEventInit>(this);

    // Great, we can hide the signal functions to make the class interface cleaner.
    // Don't worry, it won't stop the signals from notifying us.

    // By the way, we can omit the event argument if the event type is empty.
    // Event type: `Helena::Events::Engine::Init` it's empty type
    // Look in: `Helena/Engine/Events.hpp` header
    void OnEventInit() {
        HELENA_MSG_NOTICE("Hey hello from MySystem");

class MyContext : public Helena::Engine::Context {
    // You can create your own entry point
    void Main() override {
        // Register systems and signals
        // Here is example of how to register listeners
        Helena::Engine::SubscribeEvent<MyEvent, [](MyEvent& event){
            // Let's show a message about which event the framework signals us
            HELENA_MSG_NOTICE("Hello event: {}", Helena::Traits::NameOf<MyEvent>{});

                // And let's change value inside event (for example)
                event.value = 100;

        // Now let's throw a signal to the listeners
        // First method: we can use the event type and arguments
        // to create the event type inside the method.
        // Second method: by reference
        // useful if you later want to read some data from the result in-place
        MyEvent event{};
        // auto value = event.value;
        // value now == 100
        HELENA_MSG_NOTICE("Event value: {}", event.value);
        // or use deferred signals, they will be called in the next tick

        // Okay, now let's try register own system
        Helena::Engine::RegisterSystem<MySystem>(/*args for constructor...*/);

        // The System Instance can be accessed from anywhere in the code
        // Access from dynamic libraries is also supported
        if(!Helena::Engine::HasSystem<MySystem>()) {

        // Accessing elements in O(1) without a hashmap
        auto& mySystem = Helena::Engine::GetSystem<MySystem>();

// Easy to integrate and easy to use anywhere
// Initialization and non blocking heartbeat (loop)
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // Framework Initialize with default context
    // Helena::Engine::Initialize();

    // or we can use own context:
    Helena::Engine::Initialize<MyContext>(/*args for ctor...*/);

    // Engine loop
    while(Helena::Engine::Heartbeat()) {}

    return 0;

How to build


Flags Default Description
HELENA_FLAG_TEST OFF Tests, temporarily unavailable
HELENA_FLAG_VIEW_HELENA OFF Display Helena header files in your project
HELENA_FLAG_BIN_DIR ON Changes output directories for binaries to ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Bin

Note: recommend disable HELENA_FLAG_EXAMPLES and HELENA_FLAG_BIN_DIR if you want to use the library in your project.
If you want to display header files, I recommend also calling HELENA_SOURCE_PRETTY() in your CMakeLists,
this will group the files so they don't get scattered around your project.
Usage flags in cmake: -DHELENA_FLAG_...=ON/OFF

Util Functions Description
HELENA_SOURCE_PRETTY Group the framework header files in the "Helena" catalog, has effect only when flag HELENA_FLAG_VIEW_HELENA is ON
HELENA_SOURCE_GROUP Group your own files
HELENA_SOURCE_GLOB Recursively search for files with extensions in a directory

Note: see examples of usage in Examples!

    > # Open yout project dependencies dir
    > cd YourProject/Dependencies
    > git pull
    > # Edit your project CMakeLists.txt and add:
    > add_subdirectory(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR)/Dependencies/HelenaFramework)
    > target_link_libraries(${YOUR_PROJECT} PRIVATE Helena::Helena)
    > # Open your project dir
    > cd YourProject

    ---------------> [Build: Visual Studio 2022 MSVC/Clang] <------------
    > # Start x86/x64 Native Tools Command Prompt and execute:
    > cmake -B Build -G "Visual Studio 17" -DHELENA_FLAG_EXAMPLES=OFF -DHELENA_FLAG_BIN_DIR=OFF
    > # Open solution in Visual Studion

    ---------------> [Build: MSYS2 MinGW/Clang/UCRT] <-------------------
    > # Start MSYS2 MinGW/UCRT console
    > # Make sure you have installed all required MSYS2 packages for each compiler (console) version you are using
    > # NOTE:
    > # 1. You can use Debug or Release build type
    > # 2. Other generators besides Ninja are also supported
    > # Build
    > cmake --build Build

    --------------------> [Build: Linux GCC/Clang] <---------------------
    > # Install Clang-15 and GCC-13 or higher
    > # WARNING: Clang libc++ temporarily unsupported
    > # NOTE:
    > # 1. You can use Debug or Release build type and g++ or clang++ compiler
    > # 2. Other generators besides Ninja are also supported
    > # Build
    > cmake --build Build

No build systems

    1. Download ZIP archive from repository
    2. Open your "Project/Dependencies" directory
    3. Copy "Helena" dir from ZIP to "Project/Dependencies" dir
    4. Add "Project/Dependencies" into "include directories" of your project!

    WARNING: Make sure you remember to add the flags listed in the "Compilers" section of the README