Client-server application, which simulates a chat in real time, where users communicate in different already armed groups. It uses django and microservices to run user login and real-time chat.
Chatnet Hub is a Real-time Chat project designed by us as a part of work for our university subject Ingenieria de Software.
We were asked to carry out a project built with microservices connected to each other using a Framework for the project structure and Docker containers for the DevOps management service.
- Tools used in the development of the project:
- The user can only write in the chat once logged into the system.
- The user can register in case of not having an account.
- The admin is in charge of managing the database through the Django admin interface, adding or removing both users and chat groups in the system.
- Both the Chat microservice and the User microservice use their own database.
Instructor: Pablo Prats
Institution: Universidad de Mendoza - Facultad de Ingenieria