============= To run this project on your linux machine, you would need to have NPM (node package manager), Mongo DB, Express web framework and Node JS on you machine.
Step 1: install NPM
sudo apt-get install npm
Step 2: Try this, if it works for your machine then you dont have to go for other steps.
sudo npm install -g mean-cli
Step 3:
head over to Mongo DB website and follow the steps written below:
- Download and extract the archive file
- Run mongod binary (usually located in the bin folder of the extracted archive)
- Create the folder to store the database files (the default folder is /data/db)
- Make sure port 27017 is free to use
Installing MongoDB on a Windows machine:
Once you downloaded the right archive version for your system, unpack the archive file, and move the folder to C:\mongodb. MongoDB uses a default folder to store its files, and on Windows machine the default location is C:\data\db, so in order to create a new folder by using the command prompt , go to C:\ and execute:
C:\>mkdir data\db
Once you downloaded the right archive version for your system, unpack the archive file, and move the folder to your desired location (sure, you can put it on your desktop if you wish). MongoDB uses a default folder to store its files, and on Linux and Mac OS X machines the default location is /data/db, so in order to create a new folder by using your command-line tool you'll have to execute:
$ mkdir -p /data/db
but most probably you'll have to do it with a sudo command because of permission errors. The -p flag creates the parent folder also, so in the command above, both data and db folders were created. Since the default storing folder is not in your home folder, you'll have to make sure you set yourself correct permissions for this folder, and you can do this by executing the following command:
$ sudo chown -R $USER /data/db
#Step 4:
Installing Node JS:
Install NodeJs
$ cd /usr/src
$ wget http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.10.32/node-v0.10.32.tar.gz
$ tar -zxf node-v0.10.32.tar.gz
$ cd node-v0.10.32
$ ./configure && make && sudo make install
$ node
$ console.log('Hello World from Node.js');
which will output:
Hello World from Node.js
#Final step:
$ npm install -g express
#Final Words Try executing following from your terminal:
$ npm install
$ npm install -g package name
where package name is the name of packages listed under dependencies in the package.json file