This repository is the template for DAQ projects. The base is configured to work with ESP32-based projects, which may not be the case for your project. Below are some resources!
This project follows the follows a slightly modified PlatormIO project structure:
|-- include/
| |-- any .hpp files that are specific to your implementation
|-- src/
| |-- any .cpp files that are specific to your implementation
| |-- main.cpp -- this is the entry point for your project
|-- lib/
| |-- any libraries that are specific to your implementation (that you couldn't include via platformio.ini)
|-- test/
| |-- any test files that you write for your implementation
|-- .gitignore
|-- platformio.ini -- this is the configuration file for your project
- Arduino Framework Documentation
- How to use Git and Github
- How to write Good Pull Requests
- Google C++ Style Guide
- How to Write a Driver! Example: Please look through this one! We need you to write a driver for your project, as your firmware will ultimately be used as a library.
- Non-Trivial Driver/Library Example (daqser): This is a more complex example of a driver. It is a library that we used in NFR24 to serialize data for telemetry.
- CAN Example: This is an example, written by the creator of our CAN Library detailing all the common use cases for the library.
- Project Example (temp-board-23): This is an example of an older project, and it might be helpful to see how we structured our code in the past.
- In formula, we use a branching naming convention
. So if I were to make a branch calledanalysis-backend
, it should be calledebs/analysis-backend
. Notice how we use kebab case, which is the standard in git related things.