Docker allows NUISANCE to be ran on Windows or Mac machines by easily pulling images from docker hub. Docker must be installed before using these scripts and root access is required to install it.
- Docker for Mac (
- Docker for Windows (
The NUISANCE Docker Developer image is just a wrapper around your current terminal that makes it behave as if its CentOS7 and lets you navigate a NUISANCE build directory on your current machine.
To actually run and use NUISANCE you will need the following things installed on your host machine
- Docker : See above for links for this
- ROOT : To analyse NUISANCE outputs graphically you will still need a local installation of ROOT on your host machine. Note this will end up being different to the one used by NUISANCE inside the docker image. Any version of ROOT 5+ should be sufficient as all you need it for is to open standard ROOT files. Pre-compiled binaries for many machines can be found here:
Before we start, we should define some labels to make things clear.
- HostOS : This is your normal operating system. So on a Mac this is what you see when you open a standard terminal.
- DevlOS : This is the NUISANCE docker image. When we load up the image you will notice it slightly changes the terminal line, in a similar manner to how when we open python on the terminal it changes the prompt from "$" to ">>>". Use this behaviour to tell whether you should be in a normal terminal or the NUISANCE Developer developer environment. The best way to think about the DevlOS is as restricted terminal shell similar to interactive python or ROOT sessions.
To begin we want to edit the script to choose a valid mount point. The Default is set to $HOME/NUISANCEMC
You should choose somewhere you have read/write access as this is where you will be storing the NUISANCE files.
[HostOS]$ cd docker/
[HostOS]$ emacs -nw
# Set docker mounting point (default is $HOME/NUISANCEMC)
# This can be anywhere you have read/write access and will be
# where you save your MC inputs/outputs
Next, run the
script to setup your environement
[HostOS]$ source
Setting up NUISANCE docker developer.
Developer Tag : nuisancemc/nuisancedevel
Version Tag :
Mount Point : /Users/patrickstowell/NUISANCEMC/
Mount Options :
Run Command : 'nuisancedevel'
Next, run the
script to pull the developer image and dependencies from docker hub and make the mount point folder if not already created.
[HostOS]$ source
Building Docker OS Terminal Wrapper
Sending build context to Docker daemon 6.144kB
Step 1/3 : FROM centos:7
7: Pulling from library/centos
d9aaf4d82f24: Downloading [=========> ] 13.5MB/73.39MB
when all that is finished you should see the message
---> ab0992b8ca8a
Removing intermediate container 92cc8526ded9
Removing intermediate container e39988e0852d
Successfully built ab0992b8ca8a
Successfully tagged nuisancemc/nuisancedevel:latest
Finally, test the docker container actually runs by using the nuisancedevel
alias. You should be able to see all the files inside your mount point from the starting working directory of the container.
[HostOS]$ nuisancedevel
[DevlOS]# pwd
[DevlOS]# ls
Now that you have a way to run the nuisance developer image, you can build NUISANCE inside it as if you are on a CentOS machine with all the required system dependencies alraedy installed. Building the required generators + ROOT is quite time consuming however, and it is easier to download and unpack a prebuilt version from our precompiled CentOS binaries.
A handy "unpack" script is provided to do this aswell as recompile NUISANCE-v2r8 for you.
First, we want to copy the NUISANCE "scripts/" script to wherever we want to build NUISANCE, which must be somewhere inside our mount point defined earlier.
[HostOS]$ ls docker scripts
[HostOS]$ source docker/
Setting up NUISANCE docker developer.
Developer Tag : nuisancemc/nuisancedevel
Version Tag :
Mount Point : /Users/patrickstowell/NUISANCEMC/
Mount Options :
Run Command : 'nuisancedevel'
[HostOS]$ cp scripts/ $NUISANCE_MOUNT/
Next, we want to load up the nuisancedevel environment and navigate to where we placed the "unpack" script.
[HostOS]$ nuisancedevel
[DevlOS]# ls
Running the unpack script should be enough to download everything required
[DevlOS]# source
Downloading pre-built NUISANCE-docker-devel tarball to current directory
--2017-11-04 13:31:38--
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.5
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.8.5
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
[DEBUG]: Configuring directory: src/Smearceptance
[DEBUG]: Module targets: Routines;FCN;expANL;expArgoNeuT;expBEBC;expBNL;expElectron;expFNAL;expGGM;expK2K;expMINERvA;expMiniBooNE;expSciBooNE;expT2K;MCStudies;NuisGenie;FitBase;InputHandler;Splines;Reweight;Utils;Smearceptance
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /Users/patrickstowell/NUISANCEMC/test/nuisance-v2r8-gcc4.8.5-centos7/nuisance-v2r8/build
Scanning dependencies of target Routines
[ 1%] Building CXX object src/Routines/CMakeFiles/Routines.dir/ComparisonRoutines.cxx.o
[ 1%] Building CXX object src/Routines/CMakeFiles/Routines.dir/SystematicRoutines.cxx.o
[100%] Building CXX object src/Tests/CMakeFiles/ParserTests.dir/ParserTests.cxx.o
Linking CXX executable ParserTests
[100%] Built target ParserTests
Scanning dependencies of target SignalDefTests
[100%] Building CXX object src/Tests/CMakeFiles/SignalDefTests.dir/SignalDefTests.cxx.o
Linking CXX executable SignalDefTests
[100%] Built target SignalDefTests
-- Installing: /Users/patrickstowell/NUISANCEMC/docker-devel/nuisance-v2r8-gcc4.8.5-centos7/nuisance-v2r8/build/Linux/bin/nuisbayes
-- Installing: /Users/patrickstowell/NUISANCEMC/docker-devel/nuisance-v2r8-gcc4.8.5-centos7/nuisance-v2r8/build/Linux/bin/PrepareGENIE
-- Installing: /Users/patrickstowell/NUISANCEMC/docker-devel/nuisance-v2r8-gcc4.8.5-centos7/nuisance-v2r8/build/Linux/bin/PrepareNuwro
-- Installing: /Users/patrickstowell/NUISANCEMC/docker-devel/nuisance-v2r8-gcc4.8.5-centos7/nuisance-v2r8/build/Linux/tests/SignalDefTests
-- Installing: /Users/patrickstowell/NUISANCEMC/docker-devel/nuisance-v2r8-gcc4.8.5-centos7/nuisance-v2r8/build/Linux/tests/ParserTests
If the script managed to get to a stage where each of the build files are installed like the one below, then NUISANCE built successfully.
-- Installing: /Users/patrickstowell/NUISANCEMC/docker-devel/nuisance-v2r8-gcc4.8.5-centos7/nuisance-v2r8/build/Linux/bin/PrepareNuwro
-- Installing: /Users/patrickstowell/NUISANCEMC/docker-devel/nuisance-v2r8-gcc4.8.5-centos7/nuisance-v2r8/build/Linux/tests/SignalDefTests
-- Installing: /Users/patrickstowell/NUISANCEMC/docker-devel/nuisance-v2r8-gcc4.8.5-centos7/nuisance-v2r8/build/Linux/tests/ParserTests
With a working NUISANCE build, the "" script located in the original unpacked folder will setup everything required to run NUISANCE after starting up the NUISANCE docker developer image.
[HostOS]$ nuisancedevel
[DevlOS]# ls
docker-devel nuisance-v2r8-gcc4.8.5-centos7 unpack
[DevlOS]# cd nuisance-v2r8-gcc4.8.5-centos7
[DevlOS]# ls
lhapdf libxml2-install log4cpp nuisance-v2r8 pythia6 R-2_12_6 root scripts v11q-reweight
[DevlOS]# source
So to test you have a working build run the following commands
[HostOS]$ nuisancedevel
[DevlOS]# cd nuisance-v2r8-gcc4.8.5-centos7
[DevlOS]# source
[DevlOS]# nuiscomp -h
nuiscomp : NUISANCE Data Comparison App
First setup the docker-devel environement by sourcing the script.
[HostOS]$ source docker-devel/docker/
Setting up NUISANCE docker devel.
Developer Tag : nuisancemc/nuisancedevel
Version Tag : :latest
Mount Point : /Users/patrickstowell/NUISANCEMC/
Mount Options :
Run Command : 'nuisancedevel'
To use the docker container you should place any files required inside the $NUISANCE_MOUNT point you defined in the setup script before you run the container.
[HostOS]$ cp mygeniefile.root $NUISANCE_MOUNT/
Once you are happy that the required files are located in that folder you can run the container using the alias
[HostOS]$ nuisancedevel
You should be able to see the files you copied to the $NUISANCE_MOUNT area.
$ ls $PWD/*.root
Once you log in you will need to setup NUISANCE by sourcing the setup script we used in the previous section.
[DevlOS]# cd nuisance-v2r8-gcc4.8.5-centos7
[DevlOS]# source
Now NUISANCE can be used inside the developer image as normal
$ nuisflat -i GENIE:/Users/patrickstowell/NUISANCEMC/mygeniefile.root -n 100000 -f GenericFlux -o flatgeniefile.root
The docker image can't handle ROOT's graphical output. So if we want to analyse the NUISANCE outputs we have to open a new terminal tab in the HostOS and open the file in ROOT there. This is possible because we mount the directory $NUISANCE_MOUNT into the docker image so that both the HostOS and DevlOS have access to it.
In a new teminal with ROOT setup on the HostOS we can change directory into the mount point.
[HostOS]$ source docker-devel/docker/
[HostOS]$ ls *.root
mygeniefile.root flatgeniefile.root
Then we can just open or handle the file outputs as normal on the HostOS
[HostOS]$ root flatgeniefile.root
root [0] TBrowser b;
If docker is installed on your Linux machine it is possible to pull and run these images provided you replace
sudo docker
However, we recommend that instead you either build nuisance locally or try to obtain one of our binaries for your build system to avoid docker altogether given that NUISANCE is designed to build on Linux systems.