Bobber includes a couple different parsers which can be used to easily verify performance results from a test. By pointing Bobber to the directory where results were saved, aggregate values per system-count level will be displayed.
The output displays a table with the aggregate results among all iterations per number of nodes tested. For example, if 10 iterations were run, the 1-node results will be the average values for all test runs for a single node. As the node count goes up, the results reflect the aggregate value for all nodes that were tested. The table is automatically generated based on the values above to make it possible to view how results scale with additional node counts.
| Test | 1 Node(s) | 2 Node(s) | 3 Node(s) | 4 Node(s) | 5 Node(s) | 6 Node(s) | 7 Node(s) | 8 Node(s) | Scale |
| FIO Read (GB/s) - 1MB BS | 7.996 | 18.208 | 22.707 | 23.43 | 34.916 | 37.28 | 44.941 | 45.316 | 1.67X |
| FIO Write (GB/s) - 1MB BS | 4.439 | 5.291 | 5.46 | 5.6 | 7.116 | 7.444 | 7.588 | 7.486 | 1.11X |
| FIO Read (k IOPS) - 4K BS | 306.9 | 515.2 | 546.9 | 566.1 | 625 | 638.6 | 790.8 | 978.8 | 1.25X |
| FIO Write (k IOPS) - 4K BS | 295.5 | 437.9 | 445.5 | 427 | 474.4 | 474.7 | 502.4 | 484.2 | 1.07X |
| NCCL Max BW (GB/s) | 235.253 | 141.883 | 140.335 | 140.731 | 140.083 | 140.966 | 139.593 | 140.715 | N/A |
| DALI Standard 800x600 throughput (images/second) | 5821.49 | 11849.7 | 17719.4 | 23654.6 | 29508.7 | 35501.1 | 41282.8 | 47250.2 | 2.02X |
The auto-parser makes the following assumptions:
- The Bobber version must match for all files in a directory so results aren't
getting mixed. This can be overriden with
while calling the script. - If a result file is invalid or missing data, it is skipped and not included with the results. The average results will reflect the limited number of valid results.
- The lowest N-results in DALI tests are dropped for N-nodes. These results are part of a known warm-up period for DALI and do not indicate actual performance.
- The scale
This repository includes a Python package that can quickly and easily parse MLPerf results. Note that MLPerf is not included in Bobber though results from the ResNet50 image classification benchmarks can be parsed here.
$ python3 bobber/lib/analysis/ path_to_results/
MLPerf Results:
Directory name: path_to_results/
Number of iterations: 5
Nodes tested: 8
Epoch 0:
Speed: 80113.842 images/second
Average time: 15.901 seconds
Speed: 148134.457 images/second
Average time: 7.116 minutes
The output displays the aggregate results among all MLPerf test passes and finds the average speed and times for all runs. Results for both Epoch 0 and overall numbers are displayed to provide different insights. Epoch 0 is helpful to best identify the storage performance as images are likely not to be cached in the system.
The parser makes the following assumptions:
- The parser assumes the directory only contains results for a single test sweep for a set number of nodes (ie. all results are from a 10-iteration test for 4 nodes and no results from different node counts are included).
- The elapsed time is found by taking the difference between the start time for the first epoch (Epoch 0) and the stop time for the last epoch.
- All results are averaged together based on the number of results in the directory.