Bref is a diary app of iOS, developed in React-Native.
Get started by installing dependencies for React Native.
Install dependencies after cloning the project.
npm install
Then, you can run the project.
react-native run-ios
Notice that Xcode 8 is needed, or you may encounter 'Build failed' error.
Please notice .gitignore file has ignored android and node_modules. If you encounter any problems related to these two directory in your development period, please leave an issue to notify me.
Since we are all new to this framework, below lists some development guides. (Feel free to add your own advices)
- Facebook Official RN Docs
- Chinese Version of above docs
- Collection of some awesome, inspiring and useful react-native components and resources
- Another collection of useful resources(in Chinese)
Everyone in the organization has been granted with admin priviledge. So each can do his/her modification to this repository, use this priviledge properly.
Again, feel free to modify anything.
Author: Naivee Team
Last modified date: 2016/12/21