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Reference : API

Corentin edited this page May 13, 2020 · 19 revisions

Pizzly comes with an API, which lets you work with your integrations, their configurations and the authentications made.


The API is REST-inspired, meaning that you query it with HTTP methods where GET = retrieve, PUT = save, POST = update and DELETE = delete. The API accepts and returns JSON objects.

The main endpoints are:

  • /api/:integration - To retrieve an integration's details (e.g. /api/github/)
  • /api/:integration/configurations - To retrieve a list of configurations for that integration
  • /api/integration/configurations/:setupId - To request a specific configuration
  • /api/integration/authentications - To retrieve a list of authentications for that integration
  • /api/integration/authentications/:authId - To request a specific authentication


After securing your Pizzly's instance, all requests to the API must be authenticated with a secret key. Here's an example in curl on how to make an authenticated request:

curl -X GET /api/github/configurations \
 -u "your-secret-key:"

In Node.js, the request requires some extra work:

const fetch = require('fetch-node')

const url = 'http://locahost:8080/api/'
const secretKey = 'secure-secret-key'
const authentication = 'Basic ' + Buffer.from(secretKey + ':').toString('base64')

fetch(url, { headers: { authentication } })

A common use case of the Pizzly's API is to save an integration's configuration on-the-fly.

API Reference

Working with integration

Retrieve an integration's details

curl -X GET /api/github

# Should return something like:
# {
#   "id": "github",
#   "object": "integration",
#   "...": "..."
# }

Working with configurations

Save a new configuration

curl -X POST /api/github/configurations \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"credentials": { "clientId": "...", "clientSecret": "..." }}'

# Should return something like:
# {
#   "message": "Configuration registered",
#   "configuration": {
#       "id": "....",
#       "object": "configuration",
#       "...": "..."
#   }
# }

Retrieve a configuration

curl -X GET /api/github/configurations/72184458-7751-41fe-8dcc-0251ab2cc578

# Should return something like:
# {
#   "id": "....",
#   "object": "configuration",
#   "credentials": { "clientId": "...", "clientSecret": "..." }
#   "scopes": ["..."]
# }

Update a configuration

curl -X PUT /api/github/configurations/72184458-7751-41fe-8dcc-0251ab2cc578 \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"credentials": { "clientId": "new_id", "clientSecret": "..." }}'

# Should return something like:
# { "message": "Configuration updated" }

Delete a configuration

curl -X DELETE /api/github/configurations/72184458-7751-41fe-8dcc-0251ab2cc578 \

# Should return something like:
# { "message": "Configuration removed" }

Working with authentications

Retrieve an authentication

curl -X GET /api/github/authentications/

# Should return something like:
# {
#   "id": "....",
#   "object": "authentication",
#   "...": "..."
# }

Delete an authentication

curl -X DELETE /api/github/authentications/

# Should return something like:
# { "message": "Authentication removed" }
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